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Keep Malathion Away From Canola Seed

  From the Aug 28, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 920K  
 The Canola Council of Canada reminds growers to keep malathion far away from canola seed. Growers should not use the insecticide to treat canola in storage bins, nor should canola be stored in bins that have been treated with malathion in the past six months. Using malathion to treat canola for storage or in empty bins where canola will be stored, will result in residues in the seed. Any residues detected in canola that is exported to Japan could cost the industry, millions of dollars in lost business. To prevent insect problems in stored canola, make sure the bins are free of chaff, seeds, and foreign material. Combine settings should be set to harvest sound seed. Bins must be well sealed to prevent moisture infiltration and should be totally insecticide-free. It is important to keep canola cool and dry in the bin. For long-term storage, temperatures should be kept at less than 15øC and grain moisture levels below eight per cent. For further information, call 1-866-834-4378 or review the Canola Export Ready Recommendations.

For more information, contact the local Canola Council of Canada representative: John Mayko, agronomic research and extension manager, (780) 764-2593; Jackie Heck, Peace area, (780) 835-5261; Doug Moisey, central Alberta, (780) 645-3624; or, Matthew Stanford, southern Alberta, 403-758-6660.


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Keep Malathion Away From Canola Seed - Current Document
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on August 23, 2006.

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