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Step-by-Step - Exporting to Mexico

  From the Sept. 4, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 915K  
 Alberta Economic Development is holding a one-day seminar in Calgary on September 14, 2006. The seminar is designed to help Alberta companies export food products to Mexico. This program will be of special interest to those new to the Mexican market, or exporters with experience in the market. It is an opportunity to gain updates and contacts, discuss the challenges exporters face and discover solutions to the complexities of accessing the Mexican market.

"Companies and Albertans already experienced in exporting to the U.S. may find that Mexico could be the next natural export market choice," says Marcia (Marcy) O'Connor, trade director, Mexico/Latin America, agriculture and food branch, Alberta Economic Development, Edmonton. "Mexico is included in NAFTA, where most Canadian food products have duty free access and can be serviced by land transport. Consumer-oriented and value-added foods for both private label and branded products are showing export growth, and there are volume opportunities in Mexico. Another important factor is that Mexican consumers are becoming more aware of what Canada has to offer."

Alberta Economic Development is working with Food Beverage Canada, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada and the Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade to host the event. The new Mexico Export Preparedness Guide will be part of the seminar handouts, and forms the basis of some of the presentations.

The agenda includes speakers from Mexico who will be discussing some of the crucial things that need to be dealt with to be successful in Mexico. Also, there will be a presentation by a representative from an experienced company that provides consulting, marketing and commercial services to Canadian companies interested in exporting their products to the Mexico. This company has alliances with customs brokers in all major ports of entry to Mexico, as well as more than 40 years experience in sales to retailers and department stores in Mexico, such as: Wal-Mart, Gigante, Costco and Comerical Mexicana.

The seminar information and registration forms for the September 14, 2006, Mexico seminar are posted on-line.

Contact: Marcia (Marcy) O'Connor (780) 422-1762


Other Articles From the Sept. 4, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Increasing Profit by Using Year-round Grazing Systems
Alberta's Budding Cottage Wine and Mead Industry
Clubroot and Canola
Step-by-Step - Exporting to Mexico - Current Document
Montana Trip a Rewarding 4-H Experience
Increased Slaughter Capacity for Bison
Dine Alberta - savour regional flavour in September
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on August 30, 2006.

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