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A Fact Sheet on the Economics of Aging in Canada

Selected Sources

1. Armitage, Andrew. Social Welfare in Canada Revisited: Facing Up to the Future. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996.

2. Baker, Paul. “The Status of Age: Preliminary Results” (1985) 40 J. of Gerontology 506.

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6. Betcherman, Gordon, and Chaykowski, Richard. The Changing Workplace: Challenges for Public Policy. HRDC, 1996.

7. Binstock, Robert, and George, Linda, eds. Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995.

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14. Canadian Labour Congress. Is Work Working for You? Web Document and Survey, with Fact Sheets,

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26. Gee, Ellen, and Gutman, Gloria, eds. Rethinking Retirement. Vancouver: Simon Fraser University, 1995.

27. Gee, Ellen, and Kimball, Meredith. Women and Aging. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 1987.

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32. Health Canada Division of Seniors and Aging. Statistical Snapshots of Canada’s Seniors. Web document at

33. Henripin, Jacques. “The Financial Consequences of Population Aging” (1994) 20 Cdn. Pub. Policy 78.

34. Hostland, Doug. Structural Unemployment in Canada: Some Stylized Facts. HRDC, 1995.

35. Human Resources Development Canada. Canada’s Older Workers: a Discussion of Labour Market Issues. 1996.

36. Human Resources Development Canada. Overview of Labour Market Trends. From Job Futures 2000.

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42. LeBlanc, Suzanne, and Ann McMullin, Julie Ann. “Falling through the Cracks: Addressing the Needs of Individuals between Employment and Retirement” (1997) 23 Cdn. Pub. Policy 289.

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44. Loretto, Wendy, Duncan, Colin, and White, Phil J. “Ageism and Employment: Controversies, Ambiguities and Younger People’s Perceptions” (2000) 20 Aging & Soc. 279.

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48. McDaniel, Susan. “Serial Employment and Skinny Government: Reforming Caring and Sharing among Generations” (1997) 16 Cdn. J. on Aging 465.

49. McDonald, Lynn. “The Invisible Poor: Canada’s Retired Widows” (1997) 16 Cdn. J. on Aging 553.

50. McDonald, Lynn. “The Link between Social Research and Social Policy Options: Reverse Retirement as a Case in Point” (1997) special joint issue of Cdn. J. on Aging and Cdn Pub Policy 90.

51. McDonald, Lynn, and Chen, Mervin Y.T. “The Youth Freeze and the Retirement Bulge: Older Workers and the Impending Labour Shortage” (1993) 28 J. Cdn. Stud. 75.

52a. McGregor, Gaile. Age Discrimination and the Law in Canada. Terraconnaissance Inc., 2000. Available at

52b. McGregor, Gaile. Unemployment Protection for Older Workers: A Case Study of Systemic Bias in a Statutory Regime. Unpublished report prepared for the Law Commission of Canada, 2002.

53. McMullin, Julie Ann, and Ballantyne, Peri. “Employment Characteristics and Age Group Effects for Canadians Aged 45 Years and Over” (1995) Cdn. J. Sociology 529.

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55. “NAPO: Poverty Statistics at a Glance.” National Anti-Poverty Organization web document,

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60. Pelly, Sandy. Unemployment: Its Impact on Body and Soul. Ottawa: Canadian Mental Health Assn., 1992.

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63. Pulkingham, Jane, and Ternowetsky, Gordon, eds. Remaking Canadian Social Policy: Social Security in the Late 1990s. Halifax: Fernwood, 1996.

64. Quadagno, Jill, and Hardy, Melissa. “Work and Retirement.” In Binstock and George, Handbook of Aging.

65. Riddell, W. Craig, and St. Hilaire, France, eds. Adapting Public Policy to a Labour Market in Transition. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2000.

66. Rife, John, and First, Richard J. “Discouraged Older Workers: An Exploratory Study” (1989) 29 Intntl J. Aging & Human Dev. 195.

67. Samorodov, Alexander. Ageing and Labour Markets for Older Workers. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1999.

68. Schaie, K. Warner, and Schooler, Carmi, eds. Impact of Work on Older Adults. New York: Springer, 1998.

69. Schellenberg, Grant. “Diversity in Retirement and the Financial Security of Older Workers.” In Pulkingham and Ternowetsky, Remaking Canadian Social Policy.

70. Schellenberg, Grant. Older Workers and Canada’s Aging Labour Force (Ottawa: One Voice, 1994).

71. Schellenberg, Grant. The Employment Challenge Facing Today’s Experienced Workers (Ottawa: One Voice, 1996).

72. Schellenberg, Grant. The Road to Retirement: Demographic and Economic Changes in the 1990s. Ottawa: The Canadian Council on Social Development, 1994.

73. Schellenberg, Grant, and Clark, Christopher. “Boomers Today, Seniors Tomorrow” (September 1996) Transition 5.

74. Schooler, Carmi, Caplan, Leslie, and Oates, Gary. “Aging and Work: An Overview.” In Schaie and Schooler, Impact of Work on Older Adults.

75. Standing Committee on Human Resources Development. Looking Ahead: An Interim Report on Older Workers. House of Commons, 1999.

76. Statistics Canada. Adult Education and Training in Canada: Report of the 1994 Adult Education and Training Survey. HRDC, Training and Continuing Education Section, 1997.

77. Statistics Canada. “Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics: The Wage Gap Between Men and Women”. The Daily for Monday, December 20, 1999. Web document available at

78. Stephen, Jennifer. Access Diminished: A Report on Women’s Training and Employment Services in Ontario. ACTEW & York University Centre for Research on Work and Society, 1999.

79. Sterns, Harvey L., and Miklos, Suzanne M. “The Aging Worker in a Changing Environment: Organizational and Individual Issues” (1995) 47 J. Vocational Behav. 248.

80. Sunter, Deborah. Trends in the Participation Rate: The Role of School, Retirement, and Discouragement. Ottawa: Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 1998.

81. Taylor, Philip, and Walker, Alan. “Employers and Older Workers: Attitudes and Employment Practices” (1998) 18 Ageing & Soc. 641.

82. Townson, Monica. Pensions Under Attack: What’s Behind the Push to Privatize Public Pensions Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2001.

83. Townson, Monica. A Report Card on Women and Poverty. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2000.

84. UFCW Local 2000 Education Centre. Participatory Employment Promotion Study: 45+ Unemployed Older Workers. 1998.

85. Underhill, Susan. Aging Workers in the Workplace: A Canadian Perspective. Human Resources Development, Strategic Policy and Partnership, Labour Program, 1999.

86. Underhill, Susan, Marshall, Victor, and Deliencourt, Sylvie. Options 45+ HRCC Survey: Final Report. Ottawa: One Voice, 1997.

87. Underhill, Susan, Marshall, Victor, and Deliencourt, Sylvie. Options 45+ Survey of Canadian Employers: Final Report. Ottawa: One Voice, 1997.

88. Underhill, Susan, Marshall, Victor, and Deliencourt, Sylvie. Options 45+ Survey of Employment Agencies. Ottawa: One Voice, 1997.

89. Velkoff, Victoria, and Lawson, Valerie. Gender and Aging: Caregiving. U.S. Census Bureau, 1998.

Plus: Assorted electronic materials available on Health Canada (, Human Resources Development Canada (, and Statistics Canada ( websites. (Note that most of the government publications on the foregoing list are also available on the internet.)

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