Alberta Health & Wellness
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Location: Alberta Government Home  >  Alberta Health & Wellness Home  >  Health Care Insurance Plan


Frequently Asked Questions

Prescription Drug Programs

Third Party Liability (TPL)

About Us

Some documents are in PDF. The latest version of the software is available for free from Adobe.
What should I do if I know or suspect someone is using a health number or care inappropriately?
If you have any information about suspected or confirmed abuse of personal health numbers or cards, please call our Tip-Line at 1-866-278-5104*.  In accordance with privacy legislation, any information reported is considered confidential.  Tip-Line staff will not record any identifying information about the caller if a caller wishes to remain anonymous.

*Please note:  The Tip-Line is only for calls relating to suspected/confirmed abuse of personal health numbers and/or cards.  All other inquires regarding Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan registration, premiums and claims should be directed to our main customer inquiry line at (780) 427-1432 in the Edmonton area.  From all other areas within Alberta, call toll-free by dialing 310-0000, then (780) 427-1432, when prompted.

General information on the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan can be obtained from this website or by email.


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