News Release

March 22, 2006

Budget 2006 invests millions of new dollars into building and educating tomorrow's workforce

Increases provide continued tuition coverage, thousands of new student spaces, more scholarships, and more skills training


Budget 2006 Highlights:


Edmonton...Budget 2006 features the largest ever, single-year increase in Advanced Education spending, a 19 per cent increase of $353 million for a total budget of $2.2 billion. By 2008-09, the budget will be over $2.5 billion.

The 2006 budget includes a six per cent increase in base operating grants for public, post-secondary institutions for each of the next three years. It also includes tuition coverage this fall; more money to increase enrollment; and first-time funding from the Access to the Future Fund.

"This province is growing at a tremendous pace and we need to expand the human potential of the province. The government, post-secondary institutions, and businesses will continue working together to expand the province's learning opportunities and find solutions to skill and labour shortages," said Advanced Education Minister Dave Hancock. "Post-secondary education remains a top government priority and our record-breaking budget of $2.2 billion backs up that promise."

In 2006-07, Human Resources and Employment will dedicate close to $294 million to programs and services that address skill and labour shortages, an increase of $25 million. The budget features funding to boost the participation of under-represented groups, including Aboriginal people and immigrants, in the province's labour force.

All of these initiatives mark the Alberta government's investment to build and educate Alberta's workforce and a commitment to strengthen homegrown solutions for our future prosperity.

"Our economy is growing and Albertans need to be able to take advantage of that," added Mike Cardinal, Minister of Human Resources and Employment. "This budget helps government build Alberta's workforce by investing in developing the skills and potential of Albertans, including those under-represented in the workforce, like Aboriginal people and immigrants."

Overall, more money is flowing into the following areas:

This year the Advanced Education budget for apprenticeship training will grow to $27.1 million to support the record number of apprentices in the province. The total number of registered apprentices in Alberta is now more than 47,000, an increase of 98 per cent since 1995.

In addition, Human Resources and Employment will commit $8.1 million to help train apprentices, an increase of 33 per cent. This increase will make apprenticeship training available to approximately 1,000 more people.

As well, Human Resources and Employment will expand its Aboriginal Training-to-Employment program to help almost 800 people, with an increase of $3.6 million to a total of $6.3 million. Additionally, $40 million will be committed to other Alberta Works programming for training in occupations experiencing skill and labour shortages. This is an increase of $4 million and will benefit about 400 more people.

Human Resources and Employment will also spend $45.1 million to help immigrants participate in and benefit from Alberta's economy, an increase of 15 per cent. English as a Second Language training will be expanded allowing an additional 400 people to benefit, bringing the total to 3,500; through bridging programs, 120 more professional immigrants will gain Canadian work experience; and settlement services will be enhanced.

Information about the budgets and business plans are available online:

Advanced Education

Human Resources and Employment

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Michael Shields
Advanced Education Communications
(780) 422-5400

Mary Lou Reeleder
Human Resources and Employment Communications
(780) 427-5585

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000

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