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A comprehensive framework that will make post-secondary education more affordable for students was released by Advanced Education Minister Denis Herard on November 3, 2006. A key component of the framework is a new tuition fee policy that will limit annual tuition increases to inflation starting in fall 2007, saving the average two-year diploma student $1,600 and the average four-year undergraduate student more than $3,800 during the course of program. The Alberta government will invest an additional $136 million over the next three years to support the new tuition policy. Those dollars will flow to post-secondary institutions to make up for lower tuition revenue More . . .

The final report of the A Learning Alberta steering committee has been released. The report is based on last year’s comprehensive review of Alberta’s advanced education system, which involved input from nearly 3,000 Albertans. It includes a long-range policy framework for Alberta’s advanced education system, as well as specific recommendations. The government will now review the report and make decisions on each of its recommendations in the coming months. More . . .

Increases provide continued tuition coverage, thousands of new student spaces, more scholarships, and more skills training
Budget 2006 features the largest ever, single-year increase in Advanced Education spending, a 19 per cent increase of $353 million for a total budget of $2.2 billion. By 2008-09, the budget will be over $2.5 billion. The 2006 budget includes a six per cent increase in base operating grants for public, post-secondary institutions for each of the next three years. It also includes tuition coverage this fall; more money to increase enrollment; and first-time funding from the Access to the Future Fund. More . . .

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