News Release

September 29, 2005

Government makes progress on Albertans' priorities in 2004-05

Edmonton... Reduced corporate tax rates, new funding to support the hiring of 1,250 teachers under the Class Size Initiative, establishing the advanced education endowment, and implementing a new funding model for police are among the accomplishments presented in the Alberta government 2004-05 ministry annual reports.

"Albertans get a detailed look at what their government has done the past year-from enhancing seniors benefits, opening 15 schools, continuing to implement electronic health records, providing agricultural assistance, supporting children and families, retiring the debt, and providing funding support to
$2.8 billion of capital projects," said Finance Minister Shirley McClellan. "These and many other actions are presented and discussed in the annual reports."

Annual reports also include financial statements showing how each ministry used its budget, and they measure each ministry's performance against the targets established in the business plans published with Budget 2004.

"These reports show what each ministry has done to help make Alberta a vigorous and prosperous province as we enter our second century, " McClellan said. "Annual reports are an integral part of the government's commitment to public openness and accountability. We are proud of this government's record of addressing Albertans' priorities and our transparency of reporting."

Annual reports are available on ministry websites, at

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Tracy Balash
A/Director of Communications
Alberta Finance
(780) 427-5364

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