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News Release
March 24, 2004

Budget 2004: On Route, On Course
Heading Toward Alberta's Second Century

PDF version of News Release and Backgrounders

Budget 2004 Highlights:

  • Accumulated debt will be reduced by another $1 billion to $2.7 billion by the end of 2005-06.
  • This is Alberta’s eleventh consecutive balanced budget.
  • Health and Wellness program spending will increase by 8.4 per cent to $8 billion in 2004-05.
  • Learning program spending will increase by 5.7 per cent to $5.3 billion in 2004-05.
  • The 2004-07 Capital Plan will directly support $6.5 billion in capital projects.
  • Provincial support for policing will increase by $58 million or 50 per cent to $174 million in 2004-05.
  • $13 million has been set aside in 2004-05 to begin shifting governance and funding responsibility for ground ambulance services from municipalities to health regions. In 2005-06, funding will increase to $55 million per year.
  • Indexing of Alberta’s 10 per cent single-rate personal income tax system against inflation will continue in 2004, saving Albertans about $150 million.
  • Effective April 1, 2004 the general corporate income tax rate will be reduced from 12.5 per cent to 11.5 per cent and the small business rate will be cut from 4 per cent to 3 per cent, saving Alberta businesses $142 million in 2004-05.
  • School property tax rates will be cut by about 2.3 per cent, saving Albertans and Alberta businesses about $20 million.
  • Alberta’s economic growth is expected to increase to 3.6 per cent in 2004.
  • 42,700 new jobs are expected in 2004.

Edmonton … Alberta heads toward its next century backed by a strong fiscal framework, a commitment to fund priority programs and services, and a long-term vision that builds on Alberta’s strengths and creates new opportunities. The government’s 2004-07 fiscal plan was unveiled today as Finance Minister Patricia Nelson tabled Budget 2004 in the legislature.

“It is an appropriate time to reflect on our accomplishments,” said Nelson. “Elimination of the debt is within sight. The government is the only one in Canada whose financial assets exceed its liabilities. We have the lowest debt servicing costs relative to spending and the lowest tax burden in Canada. Albertans have supported us when tough decisions needed to be made and those decisions have resulted in Alberta having the strongest fiscal position of any government in Canada.”

“We have a fiscal framework in place that protects priority programs from swings in energy revenue. The Sustainability Fund is working. It has paid for emergencies and disasters and provided Albertans with relief from high energy prices, all without impacting ongoing programs and services. That is exactly what the Sustainability Fund was designed to do.”


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Honourable Pat Nelson,
Minister of Finance
(download this picture - 282k)

Strategic Plan

The government’s twenty-year strategic plan, Today’s Opportunities, Tomorrow’s Promise, was released as part of Budget 2004 and was designed with Albertans’ priorities in mind. Alberta’s solid fiscal position is the foundation from which the government will build for the future. The strategic plan is built around four pillars. The pillars are:

  • unleashing innovation,
  • leading in learning,
  • competing in the global marketplace, and
  • making Alberta the best place to live, work and visit.

    See backgrounders.


A key component of the strategic plan is the need for well-educated and skilled citizens. “Alberta’s students are already recognized as some of the best in the world, and we want to stay on top,” said Nelson. “Alberta Learning’s program spending will increase by $284 million, or 5.7 per cent, to $5.3 billion in 2004-05 to help address government-supported recommendations from Alberta’s Commission on Learning and improve post-secondary access.”


Health and Wellness spending will increase by $618 million or 8.4 per cent in 2004-05 to $8 billion. We are spending more than double what the government spent on health programs nine years ago. “Health spending accounts for the largest share of total government spending,” said Nelson. “In 2004-05, health will account for 38 per cent of the total government program budget. These increases are simply not sustainable. The time for meaningful health reform is now.”

Capital Plan

People have been drawn to Alberta’s prosperous economy, creating pressure on existing infrastructure and the need for new development. The 2004-07 Capital Plan supports $6.5 billion in capital spending, an increase of about $900 million from the 2003-06 Capital Plan. The 2004-07 Capital Plan includes ongoing capital commitments and new projects. “That amounts to $3.5 billion in support for school boards, post-secondary institutions, health authorities, municipalities and other local authorities and organizations,” said Nelson. “Another $3 billion will go toward provincially owned infrastructure primarily Alberta’s roads and highways.”

Strong, Safe Communities

This government is committed to developing strong, safe communities. To that end, another $58 million will go towards policing programs to help ease policing costs for Alberta’s municipalities in 2004-05. This includes $16.5 million that was reallocated from the Unconditional Municipal Grant program. Municipalities with populations under 5,000 will no longer pay for policing and there will be $16 per capita policing grants for all municipalities that are required to pay.

The government will begin the process of shifting governance and funding responsibility for ground ambulance services from municipalities to health regions. In 2004-05, $13 million has been set aside to begin this change. Funding will rise to $55 million per year in 2005-06.

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Charts and Graphs
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For media inquiries, please contact:

(Dial 310-000 for toll free access outside Edmonton.)

Jerry Bellikka
Director of Communications
Alberta Finance
(780) 427-5364
(780) 718-5699 cellular

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