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Aboriginal Affairs and
Northern Development

Business Plan 2004-07
March 24, 2004

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This Business Plan for the three years commencing April 1, 2004 was prepared under my direction in accordance with the Government Accountability Act and the government’s accounting policies. All of the government’s policy decisions as at February 27, 2004 with material economic or fiscal implications of which I am aware have been considered in preparing the Business Plan.

The Ministry’s priorities outlined in the Business Plan were developed in the context of the government’s business and fiscal plans. I am committed to achieving the planned results laid out in this Business Plan.

[original signed]

Pearl Calahasen, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
March 2, 2004



The Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development enhances provincial relations with Aboriginal people, leads implementation of the Government of Alberta's Aboriginal Policy Framework, and assists in development of cross-ministry policies and strategies respecting Aboriginal and Northern issues in Alberta. The Ministry works with Aboriginal and Northern people and organizations to identify Aboriginal and Northern issues, and with government and non-government partners to implement specific initiatives to address these issues.

Northern Alberta Development Council

The Northern Alberta Development Council is a council of Northerners, reporting through Chair Gary Friedel, MLA, Peace River, to the Minister. The Ministry and Council work with other Alberta ministries and other partners to ensure that the interests of Northern Albertans are given prominence.

Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal

The Tribunal is a quasi-judicial body, established by the Metis Settlements Act, to resolve disputes pertaining to land, membership and surface rights. Members are appointed by the Metis Settlements General Council and the Government of Alberta.


The Ministry supports, as part of the Government of Alberta vision, that in 2025 Alberta will be a place where Aboriginal Albertans have achieved a socio-economic status equivalent to that of other Albertans. The Ministry also supports achievement of the following Government of Alberta Business Plan Goals:

  • Goal 1 - Albertans will be healthy (supported by Ministry Goal 2).
  • Goal 2 - Albertans will be well-prepared for lifelong learning and work (supported by Ministry Goals 1, 2 and 3).
  • Goal 3 - Alberta's children and youth will be supported in reaching their potential (supported by Ministry Goal 2).
  • Goal 5 - Aboriginal communities and people in Alberta will have improved social and economic circumstances (supported by Ministry Goals 1 and 2).
  • Goal 7 - Alberta will have a prosperous economy (supported by Ministry Goals 1, 2 and 3).


An Alberta that includes the full participation of self-reliant Aboriginal and Northern Albertans in the province's opportunities and prosperity.


With Alberta ministries, Aboriginal and other partners, support a social and economic environment that promotes the well-being and self-reliance of Aboriginal and Northern Alberta people and communities.


Core Business 1: To encourage initiatives to increase Aboriginal participation in the social and economic life of Alberta and to facilitate the resolution of significant Aboriginal issues.

Goal 1 - Proactively collaborate with Aboriginal governments/organizations, other ministries, jurisdictions and stakeholders to identify and resolve issues.
Goal 2 - Assist in development of strategies and initiatives to promote the well-being and self-reliance of Aboriginal people in Alberta.

Core Business 2: To facilitate the development of Northern Alberta.

Goal 3 - To advance the development of Northern Alberta.


  1. Aboriginal well-being and self-reliance. The Aboriginal population is growing faster and is younger than the non-Aboriginal population. The highest population growth is in urban areas. There continue to be disparities between the social and economic circumstances of Aboriginal people and other Albertans. The long-term challenge is for Aboriginal Albertans to achieve social and economic circumstances equivalent to those of other Albertans.
  2. Building Aboriginal Relationships. First Nation and Metis governments and organizations have been advancing their interests across a broader range of policy areas. This has brought them into greater contact with provincial ministries, municipal governments and the private sector. New mechanisms need to be developed and existing processes supported to manage these increasingly diverse and complex relationships.
  3. Aboriginal participation in the economy. Aboriginal people and communities want greater participation in the Alberta economy and a share of the benefits of development. Aboriginal communities may lack capacity to engage with business and government partners and to take advantage of available opportunities.
  4. Access to and use of land and resources. Recent judicial decisions have influenced the interpretation of Aboriginal and treaty rights. These decisions increase the likelihood that the impact on activities such as harvesting may have to be taken into account during the process of approving and authorizing developments on Crown land. The challenge is to more effectively balance Aboriginal interests with those of developers and other Albertans.
  5. Federal, Provincial and First Nation roles and responsibilities. Jurisdictional gaps, uncertainty and unclear roles and responsibilities continue to create problems in efficient delivery of services, especially where different programs are delivered on- and off-reserve. Specific challenges are impacting economic development on First Nation reserves. These issues are further complicated by federal and First Nation initiatives for provincial participation in First Nation self-government negotiations.
  6. Advancing Northern Development. Significant economic opportunities exist across Northern Alberta. The challenge is to more effectively plan, address and coordinate sustainable development, including economic diversification, transportation, skill development and community capacity issues.


Through the Ministry’s review of external and internal challenges, the strategic priorities described below have been identified. These are in addition to the important ongoing core activities of the Ministry.

1. Aboriginal Policy Framework

Linkage: Goal 2

  • Implement commitments in the Aboriginal Policy Framework by working with Alberta ministries, the Aboriginal community and other stakeholders, through the Ministry and cross-ministry activities, including the priority policy Aboriginal Policy Initiative.
2. Capacity Building

Linkage: Goals 1 and 2

  • Develop strategies to enhance capacity in Aboriginal governments and communities, including urban Aboriginal communities, to effectively manage relations with government and other interests and to improve participation in the Alberta economy.
3. Consultation Processes

Linkage: Goal 1

  • Balance competing land and resource use interests by leading the development and implementation of provincial consultation processes.
4. Northern Development

Linkage: Goal 3

  • Address challenges to northern development by working collaboratively with Alberta ministries, industry, local governments and other Northern jurisdictions and other stakeholders.


CORE BUSINESS ONE: To encourage initiatives to increase Aboriginal participation in the social and economic life of Alberta and to facilitate the resolution of significant Aboriginal issues.

GOAL 1:  Proactively collaborate with Aboriginal governments/organizations, other ministries, jurisdictions and stakeholders to identify and resolve issues.

What it means

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development enhances provincial relations with Aboriginal people, including government-to-government relations with First Nations and Metis Settlements. The Ministry works with other Alberta ministries to ensure that Aboriginal issues are considered in the development and implementation of government initiatives. The Ministry works with Aboriginal communities, Alberta ministries and other stakeholders to identify and resolve issues. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development represents Alberta in land claims negotiations and co-ordinates provincial participation in the implementation of settlement agreements.


  • On invitation, participate in self-government discussions with Canada and First Nations.
  • Lead implementation of provincial consultation strategies and activities with First Nations, including incorporation of traditional use data into provincial land use planning and administration.
  • Undertake strategic initiatives to assist with the effective administration of Metis Settlements legislation.
  • Encourage timely settlement of outstanding treaty land entitlement claims for which the Province has an obligation under the Natural Resources Transfer Agreement and co-ordinate provincial implementation of settlement agreements.
  • Work with Alberta ministries, federal and municipal governments and urban Aboriginal communities in Edmonton and Calgary to address urban Aboriginal issues.
  • Ensure First Nation and Metis interests are taken into account in developing policies and programs, including initiatives to improve Alberta-First Nation and Alberta-Metis relations. Lead development of an Aboriginal Policy Checklist to assist Alberta ministries in reviewing existing and future policies to ensure that they address existing needs, legal requirements and Aboriginal agreements.
  • Develop Aboriginal performance measures (participation in the economy) through ongoing implementation of the Aboriginal-specific Alberta Labour Force Survey.

Performance Measure

The Ministry will also provide a narrative report on development of the Aboriginal Policy Checklist.

GOAL 2:  Assist in development of strategies and initiatives to promote the well-being and self-reliance of Aboriginal people in Alberta.

What it means

In 2000, the Government of Alberta approved the Aboriginal Policy Framework. The Ministry leads implementation of the Framework through the Cross-Ministry Aboriginal Policy Initiative and collaboration with other ministries and partners to identify and address barriers to improved social and economic circumstances of Aboriginal people. This collaboration has resulted in the development and implementation of the cross-ministry consultation strategy (see Goal 1). The Ministry supports initiatives to promote life-long learning for Aboriginal people and increase their participation in the Alberta labour force and the knowledge economy.


  • Work with Alberta ministries, through the Aboriginal Policy Initiative, to address commitments under the Aboriginal Policy Framework.
  • Work with Alberta ministries and other partners to develop economic development strategies, including strategies to address regulatory barriers to economic development on First Nation reserves.
  • Assist other ministries to develop policies and strategies to enhance the well-being and self-reliance of Aboriginal people by participating in other Cross-Ministry Initiatives, including Health Sustainability, Children and Youth, and Economic Development Strategy, as well as the Water for Life Strategy, regional and northern initiatives.
  • Work with Learning and other stakeholders to address phase 1, government-approved recommendations from Alberta's Commission on Learning.
  • Partner with Aboriginal organizations and others to develop community-level capacity building strategies.
  • Engage Aboriginal and industry advisory committees in setting future directions for the Ministry.
  • Enhance Alberta's participation in discussions with Federal/Provincial/Territorial governments, National Aboriginal Organizations and provincial stakeholders to improve the co-ordination and strategic focus of policies, programs and services.

Performance Measures


The Ministry will also provide a narrative report on strategies to address regulatory barriers to economic development on First Nation reserves.

CORE BUSINESS TWO: To facilitate the development of Northern Alberta.

GOAL 3:  To advance the development of Northern Alberta.

What it means

The Ministry partners with Northern communities, organizations, business, industry and other jurisdictions to coordinate, plan for and address the sustainable development of Northern Alberta. Initiatives include economic diversification, transportation, infrastructure, tourism development, and improving skills among Northern Albertans.


  • Engage Northern communities, business, industry and other stakeholders, to identify, coordinate and address strategic Northern socio-economic priorities, opportunities and challenges.
  • Partner with other jurisdictions, other ministries, Northern communities, business and industry, to promote Northern opportunities and address challenges.
  • Promote awareness of the importance of northern development to the well-being of Alberta.
  • In partnership with Northern communities, business, industry, learning providers and students, support initiatives to increase Northern skill levels.
  • Advance tourism development in Northern Alberta through partnerships with other jurisdictions and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal tourism organizations, industry stakeholders and communities. 

Performance Measures

GOAL 4:  To achieve organizational excellence.

What it means

The Ministry strives to attain its vision through leadership, human resource development and continuous improvement in administrative and operational practices.


  • Continue implementation of a comprehensive human resource development program consistent with the Ministry's Human Resource Plan and the Corporate Human Resource Development Strategy.
  • Provide the skills, processes, technology and tools to enhance the collection, management and sharing of information and knowledge within the Ministry, and to support strategic information-sharing with the Ministry's partners.
  • Support government-wide operational practices and organizational initiatives, including key elements of the Service Excellence Framework.

Performance Measure







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