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Tax and Revenue Administration
Fuel Tax Act
Fuel Tax Rebate Claims - Off Road Operations

Released: May 2, 2001
Produced by: Alberta Finance, Tax and Revenue Administration
For more information: tra.revenue@gov.ab.ca

Disclaimer: Due to the Government of Alberta reorganization in November 2004, where applicable, the web versions of our documents have been updated to change references from "Minister of Revenue" or "Provincial Treasurer" to "Minister of Finance". References to "Revenue Canada" or "Canada Customs and Revenue Agency" have been changed to "Canada Revenue Agency" to reflect that name change as well. The paper version of this document is available from Tax and Revenue Administration and if applicable, will be updated as time permits.


This document outlines and presents a standardized approach to the supporting documentation provided with the Tax Exempt Fuel User (TEFU) rebate claims for off-road operations.

Please note a change that will affect the preparation of a Fuel Tax Rebate Application. To ensure that all claims are processed and paid to the proper legal entity, all claims filed must provide the Business Identification Number. For corporations, we require that you provide your Alberta Corporate Account Number in the space provided on the application form. Kindly also ensure that all schedules are completed properly.

TRA’s system will not accept overlapping claims, and as always, only one account number can be issued for one legal entity. This means that TRA will not be able to accept and process separate claims for different divisions or locations of one legal entity. TRA will no longer accept and process these separate claims. All divisions and/or locations of a legal entity must be filed on one claim for each claim period. The calculations for each division can be separate including the applicable schedules, but only one application form can be filed.

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Applicants must complete and sign a Fuel Tax Rebate Application (form AT342). In order to determine rebate eligibility, all information requested on this form must be provided with each claim. Incomplete applications will be rejected and returned to the claimant for resubmission. Computer-generated forms may be used instead of TRA’s pre-printed forms providing all the required information is presented in the same format.

  1. Total Fuel Purchased
  2. The total fuel purchased for each fuel type listed on schedule A’s are reported in the "FUEL TAX REBATE" box (column 1) of this application.

  3. Off-Road Consumption

The total off-road litres consumed as listed on schedule B’s are reported in the "FUEL TAX REBATE" box (column 2) of this application.

Schedule A - Listing of Fuel Purchases

A separate schedule for each type of fuel purchased must be completed chronologically listing all invoices. Invoices not in the applicant’s name must be listed on separate schedules, again, by each fuel type. An adjustment to the total fuel purchases must be made to Schedule A if you are claiming a tax rebate on off-road consumption for a vehicle registered under the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA). The adjustment information is obtained from the Quarterly IFTA Fuel Type Schedule AT2060, row AB, column 6. From this IFTA schedule, a credit amount would decrease and a debit amount would increase the total fuel purchases listed on the TEFU schedule A. You must enter the number of litres for the applicable quarter for each year within the claim period on the bottom of page two of the TEFU schedule.

  1. Supporting Documents For First Time Claimants
  2. First time claimants must provide all fuel invoices at the time of application. These fuel purchase invoices must be arranged in the same order as listed on the schedule A. Invoices must display the required information as outlined in Information Circular TEFU-1.

  3. Supporting Documents For Repeat Claimants

Repeat filers are not required to include fuel invoices at the time of application. However, repeat filers may be selected for an in-depth review and a sample of invoices will be requested by TRA at that time.

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Schedule B - Licensed Units Fuel Consumption Calculations

Each fuel type being claimed requires a separate schedule. Only fuel consumed off-road by licensed units, including refrigeration trailer units (reefers) can be claimed. Each unit must be identified by a reference number. Each reference number is a unique number specified by the claimant. Serial numbers cannot be used as reference numbers. Please provide each unit(s) reference number in the first line of each section of this schedule. This column may contain several REF#(s) if common unit(s) are grouped. The reference number is the same number used in schedule D. Consumption data is required per type of unit, per job location, per time frame. Off-road fuel consumed is then calculated by multiplying hours operated per unit for each activity by its consumption rate per hour then multiplying this result by the number of units used during the claim period. Total fuel consumed is then the sum of each activity’s consumption.

  1. Supporting Documentation - Actual Records
  2. Accurate records of daily operations are the most convincing information to support a claim. This method should be used where operations are non-routine in nature. A summary of this data is reported on schedule B and submitted with the application. The onus is on the claimant to demonstrate how these books and records support the off-road fuel consumption. Information and records supporting the claim summary data must be retained for audit purposes for four years from the end of the calendar year in which the records were created.

  3. Supporting Documentation – Surveys
    1. Definition
    2. Survey data is based on actual observed and recorded operations. The results of a survey are used to calculate typical amounts of hours spent on-road and off-road. A survey may be applicable to several claim periods when operations are routine in nature. Operations are considered routine if the off-road and on-road mix does not change more than 10% month to month. A survey involves the tracking of time by location of one or more similar types of equipment with similar fuel consumption rates for a specific period. This can be done by specifically monitoring actual operations or by analyzing records already kept. TRA will be contacting claimants from time to time to ensure that operations are routine in nature and therefore a survey is appropriate.

    3. Duration
    4. The minimum survey period shall be one month. An annual survey should be used where the time spent on and off road does not change as a result of seasonal or work cycle factors. Other annual operations may consist of distinct cycles spanning several months where the amount of time spent on and off road changes with each cycle. The minimum survey period for such a cycle is two weeks. The combined total of cycle survey periods must be a least one month. These surveys may be used for subsequent claims where off-road activities, job locations and cycles remain the same. Please complete survey type performed, the claim ending date to which the survey is first applied and the survey duration date for each section of schedule B. However, a survey should not be used for more than four years from the beginning of the claim period to which it first applied.

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    1. Items to Consider in A Survey
    2. Surveys must consider the various consumption variables such as off-road working time and idling time. Consumption rates must be adjusted to reflect these variables. The rates must also reflect overall operations. Adjustments or additional surveys may be required for summer and winter operations. Each job location must be surveyed. If job locations are not surveyed, then fuel consumed at those locations will be disallowed.

    3. Submission of Survey Details
    4. Survey’s details will be requested by TRA from time to time when your claim is selected for an in-depth review or for audit purposes. Information and records supporting the survey must be retained for these purposes. Failure to retain this information may result in a reassessment of your claim plus interest and penalties

      under the Fuel Tax Act. Survey details must be reported on Schedule B - Fuel Consumption Calculations and submitted along with your Fuel Tax Rebate Application.

    5. Application of Survey Results

The calculation of eligible litres is then made based on the consumption rate per hour for each activity, the number of units involved and the number of months being claimed. If operations are impacted by statutory holidays, vacation leaves, down time etc., then the more appropriate calculation of eligible litres may be daily versus monthly.

Consider the following example of a one month survey period. The survey resulted in 20 hours of idling, 10 hours off-road travel and 140 hours of off-road working. The claim period is 3 months, with no statutory holidays. There is no change in hours worked per day to the survey results. Operations do not fluctuate between winter and summer. There are 4 similar type vehicles used at the same location or project.

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Example: Survey Data

Location: Whitecourt job site 125
Unit Type:____________


On-road travel

Off-road idling

Off-road travel

Off-road working























































180 hours

Claim Calculations



Off-road idling

Off-road travel

Off-road working








Consumption rate per hour

20 litres

5 litres

20 litres

8 litres


Number of months






Number of vehicles






Off-road litres






Tax rate






Claim Amount






  1. Consumption Rate Per Hour

The onus is on the claimant to be able to provide justification for the stated fuel consumption per hour. Fuel consumption justification may be requested if your consumption rate exceeds benchmark tolerances or if your claim has been selected for an in-depth review. Failure to provide this information may result in a reassessment of your claim plus interest and penalties under the Fuel Tax Act. The following are two alternatives for calculating consumption rate per hour.

    1. Test Method
    2. The first method would be to perform your own tests. These should be documented and be available for TRA review.

    3. Percentage Method

The second method would be to establish what percentage of the on-road consumption is used for the various off-road activities as different activities require different rates of fuel usage (driving versus idling or working). Accordingly if travel is viewed as a 100% consumption variable activity (maximum consumption), then idling may be about 20% consumption (minimal consumption) and working would fall in-between travel and idle, based on the type of work performed.

A claimant operates a ½ ton truck, hauling the same product and driving the same route during the claim period. In this example it was determined that the truck uses a base rate per hour of 15 litres per hour for on-road driving. Using this base rate per hour x consumption variable of 20% the idling consumption of 3 litres per hour was determined.

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Base 15 litres per hour

Consumption Variable

Consumption Rate Per Activity

Driving on-road


x 100% =


Driving off-road


x 100% =


Idling (wait on location)


x 20% =


Pumping on/pumping off


x 40% =


Units grouped by type may have different fuel consumption rates due to model variations. Each unit can be separately listed on schedule B with its specific consumption rate or similar equipment types can be grouped on one line and either the weighted average consumption rate can be used or the lowest consumption rate of that group type can be used.

Schedule C - Unlicensed Equipment Fuel Consumption Calculations

Marked, tax-exempt fuel should be used in unlicensed equipment and vehicles, as well as for heating and other non-motive purposes. Effective July 1, 1998, TRA will not process claims where marked fuel could have been used unless the claimant has obtained a TEFU number and can establish that marked fuel was not reasonably available or provides a statement as to why it was impractical for them to use marked fuel in their individual circumstances.

Each fuel type being claimed requires a separate schedule. Only unmarked fuel consumed by unlicensed equipment can be claimed. Claims should only be submitted if the conditions above apply and a statement was provided in question 15 of the Fuel Tax Rebate application. If you have included hours worked for unlicensed equipment that also used marked fuel, an adjustment must be made to deduct the number of litres of marked fuel used during these hours. This deduction should be made on page 2 of this schedule.

Equipment grouped by type may have different fuel consumption rates due to model variations. Each piece of equipment can be separately listed on schedule C with its specific consumption rate or similar equipment types can be grouped on one line and either the weighted average consumption rate can be used or the lowest consumption rate of that group type can be used. Each unit must be identified by a reference number. Each reference number is a unique number specified by the claimant. Serial numbers cannot be used as reference numbers. Please provide your equipment reference number in the first column of this schedule. This column may contain several REF#(s) if common pieces of equipment are grouped. The reference number is the same number used in schedule D.

Total fuel consumed is calculated by multiplying the total hours for each equipment type by its consumption rate per hour. Please note, column C must contain the number of operating hours for all pieces of equipment in the group.

  1. Supporting Documentation - Actual Records
  2. Records of hours worked, fuel allocations, and consumption rate per hour should be retained for audit purposes or if claim is selected for an in-depth review. The onus is on the claimant to demonstrate how these books and records support the hours worked and fuel consumption. Supporting data must be retained for audit purposes for four years from the end of the calendar year in which the records were created.

  3. Supporting Documentation – Surveys

Surveys are not applicable as there is not an on-road, off-road component in this calculation. The unlicensed equipment fuel consumption calculation is based on the equipment’s actual hours of operation for the claim period.

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Schedule D - Unit and Equipment List

A current equipment list must be submitted for each claim. A separate schedule must be completed for licensed and unlicensed units and equipment. Unlicensed equipment should only be listed on this schedule if the clear fuel was used, see section IV. Also this schedule should include rented or leased equipment used during the claim period. The information requested on this schedule will be used to determine the reasonability of your claim. The list must be completed as outlined below.

Unit or Equipment REF#

Description Type and Model

Engine Displacement

Horse Power

Engine Manufacturer

Fuel Type

Make/Model of Power Take-off

Unit 16

Ford F150 -1/2 ton truck

5.4 litre






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