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Tax and Revenue Administration
Fuel Tax Act
Information Circular LPG-3R1

Released: July 16, 2003
Produced by: Alberta Finance, Tax and Revenue Administration
For more information: tra.revenue@gov.ab.ca

LPG-3R1 / July 2003

Note: Due to the Government of Alberta reorganization in November 2004, where applicable, the web versions of our documents have been updated to change references from "Minister of Revenue" or "Provincial Treasurer" to "Minister of Finance". References to "Revenue Canada" or "Canada Customs and Revenue Agency" have been changed to "Canada Revenue Agency" to reflect that name change as well. The paper version of this document is available from Tax and Revenue Administration and if applicable, will be updated as time permits.


This information circular sets out the procedures for agent-collectors to follow in the event a strike or other disruption of postal service occurs.

  1. If there is a total mail service disruption, declared by the Minister of Alberta Government Services to be an emergency mail situation, Tax and Revenue Administration has special measures in place to minimize the inconvenience to collectors. Correspondence, including returns (where they are not filed electronically) may be taken to the nearest Alberta Provincial Government Building, ATB Financial or other designated provincial business location for transfer by courier.

  2. Tax and Revenue Administration will send any vital information to the ATB Financial location selected by the collector for pick-up. Alternatively, collectors may choose to use fax or private sector couriers to deliver or pick up documents at their expense.

  3. Funds may also be forwarded by wire transfer.  For information on wire transfers, contact Tax and Revenue Administration at (780) 427-3044.  For Alberta toll free, call 310-0000 then enter (780) 427-3044.  

  4. In all cases, sufficient time should be allowed to permit the delivery of tax remittances and returns on or before the due date.

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