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Budget 2003

Logo in Different Formats
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Budget 2003 Logo in Different Formats

Instructions for downloading:

  • Internet Explorer:  right-click on link; select "Save target as"

  • Netscape:  right-click on link; select "Save link as"

Budget 2003 Logo without Pictures:

.gif format:
250 x 65 pixels
- 700 x 182 pixels

.jpg format:
250 x 65 pixels
- 700 x 182 pixels

.tif format:
250 x 65 pixels
- 700 x 182 pixels


Budget 2003 Logo with Pictures:

.gif format:
250 x 200 pixels
- 700 x 534 pixels

.jpg format:
250 x 200 pixels
- 700 x 534 pixels

.tif format:
250 x 200 pixels
- 700 x 534 pixels


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