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Information Bulletin

August 13, 2003

New auto insurance web site addresses proposed reforms

Edmonton… A new consumer focused web site will keep Albertans informed about auto insurance and the steps the government is taking to address rising premiums.

The web site will update Albertans on proposed government reforms to auto insurance, and will provide consumers with general automobile insurance information.

Visit www.autoinsurance.gov.ab.ca to learn more about:

  • The Auto Insurance Reform Implementation Team, the members and its role;
  • How insurance is currently regulated in the province;
  • What coverage is currently mandatory and what coverage is optional; and
  • Who to talk to if you have a complaint about your insurance.

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For media inquiries, please contact:

Tracy Balash
Assistant Director of Communications
Alberta Finance
(780) 422-2126 or cell (780) 721-4046

Dial 310-0000 for toll free access outside of Edmonton.

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