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News Release

February 27, 2002

Alberta weathers global economic uncertainty in 2001-02
Third Quarter Fiscal Update

Edmonton... The Third Quarter Fiscal Update shows that Alberta has successfully managed the decline in revenue caused by the economic uncertainty around the world.

"With the dramatic decrease in resource revenue and investment income throughout this fiscal year, we had to make some prudent fiscal adjustments," said Minister of Finance Patricia Nelson. "We took appropriate action in October and continued monitoring the situation closely. As a result, Alberta maintains a solid outlook for 2001-02, and most of all we have kept our commitment to Albertans to maintain a balanced budget."

Minister of Finance Patricia Nelson
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The update shows overall government revenue will be $1.5 billion lower than estimated in Budget 2001, mainly due to lower energy prices and reduced investment income. With the actions the government took in October 2001, program expense is $830 million lower than budgeted and the economic cushion will be reduced from a budgeted $817 million to $18 million. The accumulated debt, net of cash set aside for future debt repayment, is forecast to be at $6 billion by the end of the fiscal year.

"We have always said that we will not spend money we don't have. Albertans want a fiscally responsible government that will keep taxes competitive, spend wisely, and not run a deficit. This update confirms that we have done exactly that," said Nelson.

The Minister of Finance provided updated projections for this fiscal year showing the price of oil to average $23.75 US$/barrel, down from the Budget estimate but up from the Second Quarter and natural gas at $3.76 Cdn$/mcf, $1.27 lower than estimated at Budget 2001. The province estimates that, over the course of a year, every 10-cent decline in the price of natural gas means $142 million less in resource revenue and every dollar drop in oil is $153 million less.

Nelson added that the government must remain cautious and prudent as it prepares for Budget 2002 in March.

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Ed Greenberg
Alberta Finance Communications
(780) 427-5364
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