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News Release

October 28, 2002

Looking Forward - Albertans asked for opinion on the future
of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund

"There are significant options for the future of the Heritage Fund, and Albertans deserve to be heard."
-- Minister of Revenue Greg Melchin
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Edmonton… Starting today, Albertans are invited to participate in a province-wide survey called "Looking Forward - Planning for the Future with the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund."

Over one million surveys are being mailed to Alberta households this week. Respondents are encouraged to complete the survey via the Internet at www.albertaheritagefund.com, or using the postage-paid card attached to the survey. Either way, Albertans are asked to respond by Friday, November 22. The results will be compiled and released early next year.

"At the Future Summit, held earlier this year, Albertans told us they want a fiscally responsible government that lives within its means," said Revenue Minister Greg Melchin. "The budget is balanced and the debt is well on its way to being a thing of the past. Now is the time to ask every Albertan to help us shape the future of the Heritage Fund."

The survey asks for opinions on four themes, based on input from previous consultations, including the Future Summit: maintaining the fund as an endowment fund; holding a portion of the fund's assets as a reserve for sustainable funding for priority programs; using a portion of the fund to pay for capital projects; and using a portion of the fund to pay the remaining debt as it comes due. With all the options, the Heritage Fund would be replenished when resources revenues are higher than expected and the debt is paid off.

"Albertans hold a great deal of pride in the fund. It's an important part of the province's past and future," said Melchin. "I look forward to hearing from Albertans."

The deadline for completing the Heritage Fund survey "Looking Forward - Planning for the Future with the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund" was Friday, November 22, 2002.  We'll get back to Albertans with the results of the survey early in the New Year.  Click here for more information about the Heritage Fund.

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For media inquiries, please contact:
Barrie Harrison
Alberta Revenue Communications
(780) 427-6699