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March 24, 2004

Budget Summary by Ministry

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Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

The 2004-05 budget of $35.7 million is a slight increase over the 2003-04 forecast of $35.3 million. Beginning with the 2004-05 budget, an additional $2 million per year has been added to assist First Nations with their capacity to fully participate in the development of the government's consultation policy and other Aboriginal initiatives.

For information, contact Jay O’Neill (780) 415-0876.

Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

Total Ministry spending for 2004-05 is budgeted at $908 million, compared to the 2003-04 forecast of $1,628 million. Last year's forecast includes $776 million in one-time disaster spending, including federal transfers, related to BSE.

Budget 2004 provides additional improvements to risk management programs and continued implementation of the Agricultural Policy Framework, which will be partially offset by federal contributions. The budget is expected to exceed $1 billion in 2005-06 and 2006-07.

For information, contact the Alberta Ag Media Line (780) 422-1005.

Children's Services

The Ministry's 2004-05 budget is $742 million, up $33 million from the 2003-04 forecast. By 2006-07, Children's Services will spend $784 million. The 2004-05 budget invests $78 million toward caring for children with disabilities, $20 million toward the prevention of family violence, $8 million toward resources that support parents in giving their children a healthy start in life and $6 million toward stopping the sexual exploitation of children.

Regional Child and Family Services Authorities’ spending will increase $9 million from last year for delivery of quality services for children, youth and families across Alberta. Family and Community Support Services’ spending will also increase by $3 million in 2004-05 to address population growth across the province and delivery of services to more municipalities.

For information, contact Lorelei Fiset-Cassidy (780) 427-4801.

Community Development

Community Development's program expense in 2004-05 will be $691 million, an increase of 7.8 per cent or $50 million from 2003-04. Spending for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) will increase $25 million or 5.6 per cent in 2004-05, rising from $443 million to $468 million to provide for growth in the number of PDD recipients and other cost increases.

An additional $30 million is being provided for Alberta's 2005 Centennial and includes $26 million for Centennial Legacy and Partnership Grant. As well, $6 million will be spent for recognition, awareness and celebratory activities including a Royal Visit in the Centennial year.

The Ministry capital investment budget includes an additional $21 million to be spent over three years for upgrading Alberta's provincial parks. Of this $21 million, $16 million will be used to repair and upgrade water and sewage treatment facilities as part of the government's Water for Life strategy.

For information, contact Kathy Telfer (780) 427-2395.

Economic Development

The Ministry's 2004-05 budget will be $57.5 million. This reflects ongoing funding for tourism marketing and development, which will be increased to $24 million to help Alberta's tourism industry increase our share of the tourism market.

Tourism marketing will continue to be improved and further growth and expansion of marketable tourism products will be encouraged. In addition, the Ministry will focus on providing strategic economic leadership and business intelligence; industry and regional development, trade promotion and investment attraction; and tourism marketing and development. The department will lead the government's new economic development strategy, Securing Tomorrow's Prosperity, a market driven value-added strategy with a long-term vision to upgrade primary resources, expand manufacturing, develop business services and foster growth in Alberta's knowledge-based sectors.

For information, contact Mark Erdman (780) 427-0528.


Spending for 2004-05 is $191 million, a decrease of $7 million from 2003-04. The decrease is due primarily to a forecast reduction in orphan well abandonment activities.

For information, contact Gordon Vincent (780) 422-3667.


In 2004-05, the Ministry's program expense will approach $125 million, a slight increase from 2003-04. However, the one-time cost of about $6 million of the Western Irrigation District Agreement will not continue in 2004-05.

An additional $15 million – or $5 million per year over the next three years – has been provided starting in 2004-05 for implementation of the Water for Life strategy. This initial investment will be used for improving Alberta’s drinking water supply, enhancing water management and watershed planning, developing evaluation and information support, and establishing water advisory councils, among other activities. In addition, over the next three years, the Ministry will have capital investment of $9 million to expand its network of water monitoring stations across the province.

A total of $6 million is budgeted in 2004-05 for initiatives related to implementing Alberta’s action plan on climate change, and ongoing support for Climate Change Central. Funding for Alberta’s Climate Change Action Plan will increase to $13 million in 2005-06, including funding from Innovation and Science.

For information, contact Val Mellesmoen (780) 427-2848.

Executive Council

Executive Council's budget for 2004-05 is $21 million, up from $19 million in 2003-04. This increase is primarily for the recently formed Office of the Chief Internal Auditor.

For information, contact Gordon Turtle (780) 427-9229.


Ministry spending will be $438 million, $5 million less than 2003-04. This decrease is due to an $8 million reduction in interest costs of the Alberta Capital Finance Authority. Spending increases totaling $3 million resulting from increased pension payments due to cost of living increases and previously deferred pensions being activated for the Closed Management Plan partially offset the decrease.

For information, contact Jerry Bellikka (780) 427-5364.


Gaming's expenses in 2004-05 will be $165 million, an increase of $19 million over 2003-04 mainly for higher spending in Lottery-funded programs, including: an $8 million increase in the Racing Industry Renewal Initiative; a $5 million increase to charities from electronic bingo and keno proceeds; a $2 million increase for various community projects; and a $4 million increase for the First Nations Development Fund.

Gaming's expenses will grow to $201 million in 2005-06 due mainly to a $36 million increase for the First Nations Development Fund reflecting full year operations of First Nations casinos. Net revenue from gaming and liquor operations is expected to increase to $1.7 billion in 2004-05, $57 million higher than 2003-04. Liquor and other revenues are projected to remain flat.

For information, contact Marilyn Carlyle-Helms (780) 447-8719.

Government Services

The 2004-05 budget for Government Services will be $93 million, up $5 million from 2003-04. The increase is mainly for the full-year operation of the Utilities Consumer Advocate’s office and to address the customer service pressures facing land titles.

For information, contact Ryan Cromb (780) 415-6051.

Health and Wellness

Program expense for 2004-05 will reach $8 billion, up $618 million or 8.4 per cent over 2003-04. Future increases of 5.7 per cent and 3.8 per cent will bring Ministry spending to almost $8.8 billion by 2006-07.

In 2004-05, health authorities will receive an increase of 8.4 per cent or $390 million, accounting for close to two-thirds of the total Ministry increase. Of this increase, $38 million is for highly specialized, province-wide services like cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, major organ transplants, renal dialysis and psychogeriatric services. The other $352 million is for increases in operating grants to health authorities, including targeted funding for mental health services that will support treatment and care. A new provincial mental health plan will strengthen services for Albertans with mental illness.

An increase of $45 million will support health reform to meet Albertans' needs in more collaborative and innovative ways. This includes building Alberta's primary health care capacity, expanding the Healthy U public education campaign, and providing alternative funding for academic medicine. It also includes $13 million to support transferring ground ambulance services to health authorities, with annual funding to rise to $55 million in 2005-06.

An increase of $76 million is budgeted largely for volume and cost increases of drug benefits to seniors. As well, an increase of $67 million will be spent for Alberta's tri-lateral agreement among government, physicians and health regions. This covers fee increases and support to implement local primary care. An increase of $40 million is also being spent largely to meet increased costs for human tissue and blood products, ambulance services, out-of-province health costs, AADAC, and Allied Health Services like chiropractic, optometry, podiatry and oral surgery. Also, the Ministry will have nearly $67 million in 2004-05 for capital investment, largely for information technology systems such as the Electronic Health Records and the Pharmaceutical Information Network.

For information, contact David Dear (780) 427-7164.

Human Resources and Employment

Ministry spending of just over $1.1 billion in 2004-05 includes $818 million to help people in need,
$285 million to help people train for work, and $23 million to help keep workplaces safe, fair and stable. The 2004-05 budget is an increase of $15 million over 2003-04. Further increases of $14 million and $9 million are planned for 2005-06 and 2006-07. The additional funding will address anticipated growth in program caseloads and health benefit costs.

For information, contact Janice Schroeder (780) 427-5585.


Alberta Infrastructure's expense is increasing by 6.6 per cent to over $1.5 billion in 2004-05. As well, the Ministry's capital investment in 2004-05 will be $205 million, an increase of $142 million over 2003-04. Highlights include funding of $598 million for operations, $298 million for preservation and $528 million for expansion.

For information, contact Mark Cooper (780) 422-0506.

Innovation and Science

The 2004-05-program expense is $205 million, an increase of $16 million over 2003-04.

$33 million over three years, beginning with $7 million in 2004-05 increasing to $15 million by 2006-07 will be used to support efforts to develop innovative ideas and initiatives that improve service delivery to Albertans or encourage innovation in the Alberta economy. The remaining increase is primarily due to amortization of Alberta SuperNet starting in 2004-05.

The Ministry's 2004-05 capital investment of $48 million is $14 million higher than
2003-04. While some 2003-04 capital investment in Alberta SuperNet was deferred because of construction delays, SuperNet is expected to be substantially complete in 2004-05.

For information, contact Glenn Guenther (780) 427-0285.

International and Intergovernmental Relations

Ministry spending will be approximately $8.5 million in 2004-05, a $2 million increase from 2003-04. The increase is for establishing and operating the new Alberta Office in Washington, D.C., and for Alberta’s participation in the Council of the Federation.

For information, contact Kathryn Wiegers (780) 422-2465.


The Ministry's 2004-05 budget is approximately $283 million, an increase of nearly $19 million or 7.1 per cent from 2003-04. This includes increases for the Maintenance Enforcement Program in 2004-05, Legal Aid, and traffic ticket processing.

For information, contact Michael Shields (780) 427-8530.


Ministry program spending will reach almost $5.3 billion, an increase of $284 million or 5.7 per cent over 2003-04. By 2006-07, Ministry program spending will exceed $5.7 billion, a three-year increase of $734 million or 14.7 per cent. Combined with property tax support to school boards that opt out of the Alberta School Foundation Fund, total support to the learning system will exceed $5.9 billion by 2006-07, a three-year increase of $763 million.

For information, contact Bart Johnson (780) 427-5196.

Municipal Affairs

Program spending in 2004-05 is $123 million. This budget includes a reduction of $16.5 million that is being reallocated from the existing Unconditional Municipal Grant program to the Solicitor General's department for policing and continuation of the ME First! program to provide $100 million in interest-free loans to Alberta municipalities for energy efficiency improvements.

For information, contact Irwin Huberman (780) 415-6121.


Expense will be $162 million in 2004-05, a net increase of $4 million from 2003-04.

In 2004-05, interest on corporate income tax refund reassessments is expected to be $10 million less than 2003-04 as 2003-04 included the settlement of several major appeals. Settlements are expected to return to more normal levels in 2004-05.

The Alberta Heritage Science and Engineering Research Endowment Fund spending will increase in 2004-05 for increased grants. In addition, the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Endowment Fund will also provide increased grants for medical innovation projects.

For information, contact Cathy Housdorff (780) 422-4591.


Program spending in 2004-05 of $429 million is $27 million higher than 2003-04. Adjusting for $14 million of one-time spending in 2003-04 to address seniors' energy utilities costs and housing agencies’ operations and maintenance costs, the increase is $41 million.

About $11 million will be added to fund expected increases in the number of eligible seniors under the Alberta Seniors Benefit and the full-year cost of assistance with the August 1, 2003 increase in long-term care accommodation rates. Another $10 million will be added to seniors' funding. Details of how this funding will be allocated will be announced in the near future. The Lodge Assistance Program, which subsidizes lodge accommodation rents for lower to middle-income seniors, will also be increased by $1.5 million to ensure rents remain affordable to these seniors.

Also within the 2004-05 budget, $51 million has been allocated to the Canada-Alberta Affordable Housing Program, an increase of $10 million over last year. The $51 million is composed of $25.6 million in new provincial funding to be matched by federal funding. Over the five-year agreement, the provincial and federal government will have each contributed $67 million to this joint initiative to increase the supply of affordable housing in the province.

For more information, contact Jan Berkowski (780) 415-9950.

Solicitor General

Solicitor General's 2004-05 budget is $346 million, an increase of over $62 million or 22.1 per cent over 2003-04.

In 2004-05, $174 million will be provided for policing programs, an increase of about $58 million from 2003-04. This includes $16.5 million being transferred from the Unconditional Municipal Grant program in Municipal Affairs. This increase supports a new funding model for policing under which municipalities with populations of 5,000 or less will no longer pay for policing. Municipalities that pay for policing will receive a new $16 per capita grant to assist with these costs. Costs of the new per capita grant program are budgeted at $37 million in 2004-05.

For information, contact Peter Tadman (780) 427-6153.

Sustainable Resource Development

Ministry's 2004-05 budget is nearly $205 million. Last year's forecast includes $128 million in one-time disaster spending for wildfire suppression. Aside from this and some minor changes, base funding for Ministry programs remains relatively unchanged from 2003-04.

For information, please contact Donna Babchishin (780) 427-8636.


The Ministry's expense for 2004-05 is over $1 billion, an increase of $166 million or 19 per cent from 2003-04. The Ministry's capital investment will be $501 million in 2004-05, an increase of $94 million or 23 per cent from 2003-04. The capital investment includes initial statutory funding of $24 million for the potential public-private partnership to build the southeast portion of the Edmonton ring road. This overall increase demonstrates the government's continued commitment to preserve and improve Alberta's transportation network.

For information, contact Leanne Stangeland (780) 415-1841.

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