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Last Review / Update:  2005-06-16


With creativity and commitment, our employees continue to build the Alberta public service's reputation for excellence.

Not satisfied with the status quo, they search for ways to improve.  They're customer-driven and committed to high performance.

Here is what students and graduates (past and present) have to say:

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Co-op Program
Systems Analyst
Alberta Revenue
Computer Systems Technology Student
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

Photo of Andrea Kovacs
The days and nights of Andrea Kovacs are long, sometimes exhausting. She also finds them very rewarding.

In the mornings and afternoons she writes programs for Alberta Revenue, a job she started as a co-op placement last September. Evenings are spent at NAIT earning a diploma in Computer Systems Technology to accompany the one she already holds in Business.

Andrea says her colleagues in the public service have gone out of their way to support her educational endeavours.

"It's an excellent learning environment," Andrea reports. "The people I work with are phenomenal, very easy to talk to. They're always quick to give you a hand with anything you're working on and they are aware of the learning curve."

She recommends the co-op program as the perfect starting point for a student moving from school life into the workforce.

"Usually when you walk into a position there is a fear: Do I know what I'm supposed to be doing? It's a very easy transition with the Alberta public service. There's a lot of patience shown."

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Internship Program
Public Affairs Office
Alberta Public Affairs Bureau
Public Relations Diploma,
Grant MacEwan Community College

Photo of Rachel Bouska
Don't look for Rachel Bouska's name on the roster of a temp agency, even though she claims she rarely does the same work two days in a row.

Four months after joining the Alberta Public Affairs Bureau, Rachel says she continues to experience new challenges every day on the job. Her internship includes placements in three different ministry communication branches, providing opportunities to develop skills ranging from media relations to writing for the Internet. Far from routine work, Rachel says her time in public service has presented chances to take creative approaches to problem solving.

"The most rewarding thing has been the variety of projects I've been able to work on," she notes, adding that her favourite task to date was helping to plan the 2001 Take Our Kids To Work Day event.

"I organized a tour of the Legislative Building for the kids who were involved whose parents work in the government. It turned out really well and I was very proud of it."

Rachel says her time with the Public Affairs Bureau has provided her with a launching pad for what she hopes will be a successful career.

"It is excellent experience. You get to work with some extremely talented and professional people in your field."



Internship Program
Compensation Consultant
Alberta Personnel Administration Office
Bachelor of Commerce
University of Alberta

Photo of Erin Johnston
Erin Johnston understands the contract negotiation puzzle better than most of her peers, thanks to her time with the Personnel Administration Office (PAO).

"The opportunity to attend collective bargaining was the most interesting experience that I have had during my internship with the public service," says the compensation specialist. "Working in a union environment is very exciting. It is an experience that most private organizations cannot provide."

"I decided to join the internship program because I thought that it would be an excellent learning experience," Erin adds.  Being able to turn to an experienced co-worker for pointers is one of the aspects of Erin's job that pleases her the most.

"The internship program gives recent graduates the opportunity to work with highly skilled professionals. It provides a work environment that supports development and colleagues that are very friendly and more than willing to provide advice."

Now, Erin works as a Compensation Consultant for the PAO.  She has received support from her manager for on-the-job and formal training, and she has completed the Certified Compensation Professional program.

Erin's hard work has been rewarded with greater job responsibilities and the opportunity to contribute to teams involved in cross-ministry projects and PAO initiatives.

Through her start with the Internship program - and her ongoing dedication - Erin is defining her career path, and continues to learn and grow.

See Job Profiles for additional Alberta public service employee profiles

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