
February 12, 1998
Edmonton, Alberta

"Budget '98 is a balanced package for Albertans. It's a package Albertans can afford. It provides direct tax savings to every taxpayer and targets the greatest savings to those who need it most. It reinvests money in education, health and children's services - areas that are Albertans' top priorities. And it maintains our commitment to paying down the debt. That's exactly the kind of balanced approach Albertans are looking for."

- Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

Budget '98 strikes the right balance for Albertans

Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day unveiled the details of Alberta's Budget '98, including three-year budget and business plans for each ministry of government.

Budget '98 sets out government's new Agenda for Opportunity and builds on the announcements made by Premier Ralph Klein in January of this year.

Overall, the focus is on four key areas:

Highlights of government's fiscal plans for 1998-99 include:

"Budget '98 is a signal for Albertans. It's a signal that the only way taxes are going in Alberta is down," said Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day. "It's a signal that we'll stick to a responsible fiscal course. Spend what we can afford. Spend it wisely on Albertans' priorities. Keep attacking the debt. And by the time we reach a new millennium, we'll once again own more than we owe. That's a budget package that makes Alberta the envy of every other province."

For more information, contact:

Hon. Stockwell Day
Provincial Treasurer
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-8809

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
Telephone (780) 427-5364

Budget '98 Highlights

Note: After viewing any table, press your "back" button to return to the document.

Click here for graphic - "Consolidated Fiscal Summary"

Click here for graphic - "Net Debt"

Click here for graphic - "Historical Consolidated Fiscal Summary"

Click here for graphic - "Revenue"

Click here for graphic - "Expense"



February 12, 1998
Edmonton, Alberta

The 1998 Tax Review Committee

The 1998 Tax Review Committee is being established to examine specific aspects of Alberta’s tax structure, and to make recommendations to the Provincial Treasurer based on its findings. The Committee will work closely with the Taxation and Financing Committee of the Alberta Economic Development Authority in evaluating options for the province’s personal and corporate income tax system, including, but not limited to, the role and mechanisms of government for knowledge-based industry financing.

Personal Income Tax

The Committee will consult with Albertans and prepare a report making recommendations and providing options to the Provincial Treasurer regarding the feasibility of moving to a more effective personal income tax system. The report will be prepared by September 1998.

The Committee will consider:

  1. Whether Alberta should take advantage of greater flexibility available under Alberta/Federal tax collection arrangements to re-design the province’s personal income taxes while maintaining a single collection agency.
  2. Various options/structures for Alberta’s personal income tax, taking into consideration:

Corporate Income Tax

The Committee will prepare a report making recommendations and providing options to the Provincial Treasurer regarding the government’s role in, and mechanisms for, financing "the knowledge-based industry" in Alberta (defined as research and development and motion picture film and video production). The report will be prepared by April 30th, 1998.

The Committee will specifically explore whether Alberta should:

Members of the 1998 Tax Review Committee

Jack Donald, Chair of the 1993 Alberta Tax Reform Commission
Gary G. Campbell, QC, Chair, Taxation and Financing Committee, AEDA
Ric Forest, Vice-Chair of the 1993 Alberta Tax Reform Commission
Ron Hierath, MLA Cardston-Taber-Warner
Audrey Luft, Businesswoman

Jack Donald and Gary Campbell are designated as Co-Chairs with additional Committee members to be named as required.

The Committee will work closely with the Taxation and Financing Committee of AEDA. Members of that Committee are:

Gary Campbell, Chair
Larry Pollock, Vice-Chair
Ross Glen
Mike Greenwood
Margaret Mardirossian
Bernie Papp
Roger Smith

For more information, contact:

Hon. Stockwell Day
Provincial Treasurer
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-8809

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
Telephone (780) 427-5364

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Copyright © 2000 Government of Alberta.
Updated by - February 12, 1998