
March 17, 1998
Edmonton, Alberta

"Supplementary estimates are designed to take care of spending pressures that we couldn’t anticipate as part of the regular budgeting process. These supplementary estimates deal with one-time spending, not something we expect to continue every year."

- Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

Government tables supplementary estimates and a fiscal update

The Alberta Government tabled Supplementary Estimates today for the General Revenue Fund and Lottery Fund. These Supplementary Estimates will add to government spending above what was originally planned in the budget for 1997-98. Additional funding will be provided for the departments of Health, Education, Transportation and Utilities and the Legislative Assembly.

1997-98 Supplementary Estimates:

"Given the RHAs’ need to deal with Year 2000 compliance, we decided to take action now to address this pressing problem. The key focus for these supplementary estimates is in health, and the urgent need to help Regional Health Authorities address the significant costs of making sure medical equipment and health systems function on January 1, 2000," said Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day.

Government’s Accountability Act requires that a fiscal update be provided whenever Supplementary Estimates are introduced.

Highlights from the March Fiscal Update:

For more information, please contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
Telephone (780) 427-5364

Stockwell Day
Provincial Treasurer
(780) 427-8809

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Updated by - March 17, 1998