
October 9, 1998
Edmonton, Alberta

"Alberta is a significant player on the stage of international finance. By making a personal appearance on this stage and meeting key financial figures in their places of business, we highlight our ability to participate on a global scale. In doing so, we strengthen our presence in the international marketplace."

- Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

Provincial Treasurer strengthens financial relations in Europe and South Africa

Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day will travel first to Zurich and London and then to Mpumalanga, South Africa, Alberta’s sister-province. The complete trip will run October 12 to October 21.

"Alberta has a great deal to offer and much to gain by seeking meaningful opportunities to participate in the international financial community," said Day.

During the three-day European leg, the Treasurer will meet with banking and investment officials to promote Alberta as a logical choice for international investment and to investigate opportunities to refinance the remainder of Alberta’s shrinking debt.

"Especially in a time of global economic uncertainty it is important to remind international investment managers of the stability and security in Alberta markets. So, when they come to diversify their investments into Canadian markets, they are likely to choose the Alberta Advantage as their flight to safety," Day said.

In Mpumalanga for six days, the Treasurer will continue the Alberta Government’s efforts to assist the newly-formed Mpumalanga government to improve their fiscal management practices to create an appropriate structural framework and develop ‘best practices.’ Travelling with the Provincial Treasurer to Europe are Deputy Provincial Treasurer Al O’Brien, Alberta Treasury’s Director of Liability Management, Rod Matheson, and Executive Assistant to the Treasurer, Terence Kowalchuk. Day and Kowalchuk will continue on to Mpumalanga.

The cost of the Europe portion is $14,000. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is covering the cost of the South African part of the trip.


Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

(Note - engagements are subject to change without notice.)

Part 1 - Europe

Monday, Oct. 12 - Zurich

11:00 AM - Meeting with Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Bank
12:00 PM - Luncheon with investors and syndicate members hosted by Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch
3:00 PM - Meeting with investor
4:00 PM - Meeting with investor

Tuesday, Oct. 13 - London

8:00 AM - Breakfast meeting with Merrill Lynch
9:15 AM - Meeting with National Bank of Hungary
11:00 AM - Meeting with Canada Life Management (U.K.) Ltd.
1:00 PM - Briefing with Canadian High Commission Officials
2:00 PM - Meeting with Canadian High Commissioner
3:00 PM - Meeting with Bank of England
4:00 PM - Meeting with Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch

Wednesday, Oct. 14

8:00 AM - Breakfast meeting with Deutsche Bank
10:00 AM - Meeting with Rothschild Asset Management
11:30 AM - Meeting with JP Morgan Asset Management
12:30 PM - Lunch meeting with Baring Asset Management
3:30 PM - Speaking engagement at London Financial Houses

Part 2 - Mpumalanga, South Africa
October 15 to 21, 1998.

In the province of Mpumalanga, South Africa, Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day will meet with Mpumalanga Premier Mathew Phosa, the national Minister of Finance of South Africa and senior officials from the Mpumalanga Treasury Ministry. The mission is the second part of a CIDA-funded Alberta-Mpumalanga exchange in which 12 Mpumalanga financial officers are in Alberta for four weeks learning first-hand the highly-regarded practices of the Provincial Department of Treasury.

For further information, please contact:

Shannon Taylor
A/Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-5364

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Updated by - October 9, 1998