
November 9, 1998
Edmonton, Alberta

"Albertans know what they want. They have good instincts and a vested interest in the future of this province. That’s why we’re asking for their opinions at this critical juncture on the road to a debt-free future."

- Premier Ralph Klein

Talk it up. Talk it out.
Giving Albertans a voice on their vision for a debt-free future

Every Albertan will have the opportunity to send in their views on the government’s fiscal agenda, starting November 16, 1998. Premier Ralph Klein and Treasurer Stockwell Day are launching a public consultation, to ask Albertans important questions about future directions.

"We hope to pay off our net debt before the turn of the millennium," said Premier Klein. "When this happens, we will find ourselves at an important crossroads. The direction we go from there is a decision we will not make without input from Albertans.

"By participating in the consultation process, the citizens of this province will be able to tell us the relative importance they place on debt payment and other priorities. Then, we can strike the right balance between spending (in important areas like health and education) and paying down the debt, which will improve the quality of life for all Albertans."

The Provincial Treasurer added, "In Budget ’98 we promised to ask Albertans what they think our future direction should be. Today, we’re making good on that promise.

"The timing is significant. When the net debt is gone, The Balanced Budget and Debt Retirement Act is finished. We will use the results of this survey to help us build new legislation to guide our fiscal course over the next several years."

In the survey, entitled Talk it up, Talk it out there are four important issues for Albertans to address. The survey asks respondents to:

  1. rate their priorities in the areas of debt, spending, taxes and savings
  2. choose the rate at which to pay off the remaining debt
  3. decide how to spend any surpluses the government may realize in coming years
  4. consider changes to the tax system.

The survey provides background information for Albertans to consider before making their decisions and respondents are encouraged to discuss it in their homes and communities.

"There are several viable options before us, each with its own pros and cons. We could conceivably use any one of them to build a successful future for the province. But we want to do it in the way Albertans feel would work best for them," said Day. "That’s why we’re sending a survey to each home. Every Albertans’ opinion is important to us and the responses we’ve received in the past from surveys like this have been invaluable. It’s a strategy that works."

For further information, please contact:

Shannon Taylor
A/Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-5364

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Updated by - November 9, 1998