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News Release

"With today’s announcement, Albertans will be able to see for themselves how the new personal income tax system will save taxpayers’ money."

Provincial Treasurer Stephen West

New Internet calculator shows Albertans our tax advantage in action

EDMONTON, June 7, 2000 - Starting today, Albertans will be able to see for themselves how they’ll save under the new single rate personal income tax system.

A new tax calculator on the Alberta Treasury website -- www.treas.gov.ab.ca -- will allow users to estimate how much they will pay and save under the new tax plan.

"This interactive feature will let Albertans see for themselves the benefit of our new tax plan," said Provincial Treasurer Steve West.

The easy-to-use calculator will ask users to fill in selected information such as income, spouse’s income, number of children and RRSP contributions. The calculator will then figure out what the taxfiler will pay and how much they will save, given the information submitted.

Calculations are done on the user’s own computer and the information is not recorded or stored by the government. Albertans will still have to file income taxes, as normal.

Albertans who do not have Internet access can check with their local library to see if this service is available. Most libraries in Alberta have access to the Internet and allow library patrons free access. If the local library doesn’t offer this service, Albertans can call the RITE line, toll-free, at 310-0000, then dial 780-427-4414 to give their tax information over the phone and have an operator input it.

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For media enquiries, please contact:

Megan Parker
Alberta Treasury Communications
(780) 427-5364

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