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News Release

November 23, 2000
Edmonton, Alberta


It's your money. Speak out…We're listening
Giving Albertans a say on their vision of a debt-free province

Albertans will be asked to help shape the province's future fiscal policy by responding to a public consultation survey launched by Premier Ralph Klein and Provincial Treasurer Steve West.

This fiscal survey will be one of two important pieces of mail that Alberta households receive the week of November 27. The public consultation survey titled It's Your Money and the first of their Alberta Energy Tax Refund cheques will both be mailed out starting next Monday.

"Today we enjoy a healthy economy and quality of life second to none thanks to the hard work and wise choices made by Albertans. Still, managing prosperity has its own set of challenges and important decisions must be made. That's why we're turning to Albertans once again to help define a new course for the future," said Premier Klein.

The Provincial Treasurer added, "In the previous consultation, 1998's Talk it Up, Albertans told government to pay down the debt, reduce taxes, and then put money into priorities like health and education. That advice shaped fiscal policy for the last two years and will continue to, as long as we have a debt. The results of this survey will provide us with a fiscal map to follow when the province is debt-free in as little as two years."

It's Your Money, asks Albertans how best to use interest savings and unpredictable resource money once the province's accumulated debt is gone. Specifically, It's Your Money asks Albertans to:

  1. Rate priorities in the area of tax reductions, increased spending, savings
  2. Decide which methods of taxation to reduce or eliminate if affordable
  3. Rate priorities for program spending

The survey, estimated to cost in the $300,000 range, provides background information for Albertans to consider before filling in their choices. In addition to a list of choices, the survey gives Albertans an opportunity to add their own ideas.

Anyone who wants a survey and hasn't received it by December 5 should call 310-4455 toll-free. Albertans have until December 20 to respond by mail, fax, telephone or the Alberta Government website at www.gov.ab.ca.

Also hitting mailboxes next week will be over two million cheques – that's the first installment of the $150 tax refund cheques for Alberta taxpayers. All Alberta taxfilers over 16 are eligible, and those who haven't received Energy Tax Refund cheques by the second week of December can call 1-877-599-5107 toll free. The line becomes operational November 27.

Click here to read more and fill out the survey (by December 20, 2000).

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For further information, please contact:

Shannon Larkins
Office of the Premier
(780) 422-4905

Tim Seefeldt
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-5364

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