
April 21, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

"With the guidance of Albertans we have found a formula for fiscal success and we’re sticking with it. The result will be solid, dependable fiscal management, balanced budgets, maintaining the right priorities and paying down the debt."

- Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

Budget ’97 Update — Sticking to a Proven Formula for Fiscal Success

Budget ’97, introduced today by Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day, and endorsed by Albertans on March 11, contains no surprises for Albertans. With only minor changes, the budget is the same as the one presented on February 11.

"Albertans saw this budget before the election campaign. They knew what we planned to do with their hard earned dollars and they supported the plan with an increased majority. This is the people’s budget — a budget reflecting their priorities, a budget that sticks to what is most important to Albertans. And a budget Albertans support and approve," said the Provincial Treasurer.

Two key changes are included in this budget update. The first is a revised estimate of oil prices for the year, down from US $19 a barrel to US $18.50. This reflects the market fluctuations and dropping prices over the last few months and maintains the government’s commitment to conservative revenue estimates. The other key change is an increase of $20 million in spending on health. This additional funding covers increasing volumes and costs in province-wide services.

Highlights of Budget ’97 Update:

"This is a solid, balanced budget focused on what Albertans told us is most important to them," said the Provincial Treasurer. "Fiscal responsibility continues to be the hallmark of this government. Albertans can expect their government to continue paying down the debt and looking for ways to get better value for the tax dollars it spends. We will channel dollars where they can achieve the best results. Above all, we will continue to live within our means."

For further information, please contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
(403) 427-5364

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Updated by - April 21, 1997