
June 10, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

"For 59 years Alberta Treasury Branches (ATB) has operated with close ties to government. While that approach has served Albertans well it limits ATB's ability to compete effectively with other financial institutions. With this legislation, ATB will operate with the same kinds of rules that other banks and financial institutions follow."

- Stockwell Day, Provincial Treasurer

New Legislation Strengthens Alberta Treasury Branches' Ability to Compete

Amendments to the Alberta Treasury Branches Act introduced in the legislature today will set the stage for a new arms length relationship with government. The overhaul of this legislation is intended to provide clear powers for the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer in ATB, replacing the powers formerly held by the Provincial Treasurer.

The legislation reinforces many of the changes made over the last year. A new board has taken over responsibility for setting the direction for ATB, new policies and lending practices are in place and a new business plan sets the priorities for the next three years.

Key features of this legislation include:

The Provincial Treasurer maintains the right to order ATB to cease and desist from an action if he feels that action is contrary to the Act and regulations. This legislation must also be reviewed every five years.

"This legislation will usher in a new era for ATB. It puts them on the same footing as other financial institutions and strengthens their ability to compete in Alberta's growing marketplace," said Stockwell Day. "Now is the right time for government to step back and allow ATB to conduct business like any other financial institution. I'm confident that this will see ATB provide even better products and service to the hundreds of thousands of Albertans who count on ATB."

For more information please contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-5364

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Updated by - June 10, 1997