
June 26, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

" This is a good day for Albertans. We’re not only at the forefront of economic growth in Canada, we’ve also made a $2.5 billion payment on the net debt. With this payment, we saved $201 million in interest costs in 1996-97. Our fiscal plan is working, steadily bringing us out from under yesterday’s bills."

- Stockwell Day, Provincial Treasurer

Alberta On Track to Zero Net Debt by 2005

Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day released today the 1996-97 financial and performance results for Alberta. For the third year in a row, the province has recorded a surplus, making a $2.5 billion payment on the net debt.

This payment brings Alberta’s net debt down to $3.7 billion, not including pension obligations. Now Alberta’s net debt is less than half what it was in 1993-94 and on track to be eliminated four years ahead of the legislated deadline of March 31, 2010.

Previous surpluses -- $958 million in 1994-95, $1.132 billion in 1995-96 -- also went directly to the net debt.

Alberta’s robust economy helped contribute to the strong financial performance. The higher-than-expected surplus was due primarily to strong resource and income tax revenues. Better-than-expected progress toward eliminating pension obligations contributed a further $371 million to the bottom line.

Other highlights of the financial results include:

"1996-97 was another strong year for Alberta," said Stockwell Day. "The budget was balanced as promised, spending remained under control with reinvestments in key areas, and windfall revenues going to pay down Alberta’s net debt."

Alberta’s original net debt retirement schedule had a target date of 2022 and is now revised to 2005-06. Pension obligations are being eliminated through a longer-term legislated plan.

Financial Highlights for 1996-97

Note: After viewing any table, press your "back" button to return to the document.

Click here for graphic - "Net Debt Retirement Schedule"

Click here for graphic - "Fiscal Summary"

Click here for graphic - "Net Debt and Your Share of Net Debt"

Click here for graphic - "Consolidated Surplus (Deficit)"

Click here for graphic - "Resource Revenue"

Click here for graphic - "Total Spending"

For further information, please contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-5364

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Copyright © 2000 Government of Alberta.
Updated by - June 26, 1997