
June 26, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

" While paying down the debt is important, the services and programs we provide on a daily basis are still the number one job of government. By setting goals and measuring our progress, we stay focused on achieving results in the areas that are most important to Albertans."

- Stockwell Day, Provincial Treasurer

Government Tracks Program Performance in Measuring Up - Third Annual Report

Along with the year-end financial statements, Treasurer Stockwell Day today also released Measuring Up - Third Annual Report on the performance of the Government of Alberta. The report shows the government’s progress in meeting the goals set out in its business plan.

Measuring Up tracks the results on 23 measures reflecting the government’s three core businesses: people, prosperity and preservation. It connects the government’s 18 goals, as set out in Agenda ’96, with key supporting strategies from each Ministries’ business plan. It also contains over a hundred pages of facts, figures including the latest information available on core measures.

Overall performance results are positive but the report points out some areas where targets have not been met.

Highlights of the report include:

"Although the financial results are good news for Albertans, this is only one part of the picture. Albertans want to know what results we’re achieving for their tax dollars. That’s what this report tells them," said the Treasurer. "Our biggest challenge is on the performance side. Making sure resources are targeted to where they’re needed most so that we can make sure to get the results Albertans expect."

Day cited several examples of areas that still need improvement. He noted that the high school completion rate remains below target as does math skills for Alberta students. He also cited the rate of births to young women under 18 as a concern as well as the rates of violent crime and serious youth crimes.

The results recorded in Measuring Up will be used to guide the government’s work in preparing business plans and strategies for 1998-2001. A schedule detailing this process will be released in early July.

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For further information, please contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-5364

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Updated by - June 26, 1997