
September 24, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

"Our focus continues to be on careful financial planning and management. Solid financial results are a direct result of two factors — a dynamic and growing economy and a firm determination by government to live within its means."

Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

Treasury Builds on Solid Reputation for Prudent Fiscal Management in 1996-97 Annual Report

Results of the final year of Alberta Treasury’s first three-year business plan are reported on in the 1996-97 Annual Report. Treasury’s performance highlights are:

"Looking ahead, the key challenge is to build on the solid progress we made in 1996-97. Alberta is now seen across Canada and throughout North America as a leader in financial management," said Day. "I’m confident Alberta will continue to lead the way in delivering quality services at a price we can all afford today and into the future."

To obtain copies of the 1996-97 Alberta Treasury Annual Report, call Treasury Communications at (780) 427-4414.

For further information, please contact:

Alberta Treasury
Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Telephone (780) 427-5364 (Edmonton)

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Updated by - September 24, 1997