
September 24, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

"Alberta taxpayers want to get value for their dollars spent on programs and services. By releasing the final details of 1996-97 Public Accounts today, we have made good on our promise to be accountable to the taxpayers of Alberta. Fiscal responsibility will continue to be a hallmark for this government."

Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

Government Releases 1996-97 Public Accounts

For the fourth consecutive year, the Alberta government has provided taxpayers with the complete Public Accounts before September 30. The details contained in Volumes 2 to 4 of the Public Accounts supplement the Consolidated Financial Statements, Volume 1 of the 1996-97 Public Accounts released on June 26. Once again, Alberta leads the nation in accountability to its citizens by providing timely information earlier than other jurisdictions.

The 1996-97 Public Accounts are the financial statements for government departments, provincial agencies, Crown-controlled corporations, universities, public colleges, technical institutes and Regional Health Authorities. This is the last year that the Public Accounts will be published as separate volumes from each Ministry’s Annual Report. Next year, all the financial details in Volumes 2, 3 and 4 of the Public Accounts will be contained in the Ministry Annual Reports, including financial statements for associated boards and agencies.

Highlights for 1996-97:

For information on specific ministries contact the appropriate communications branch. For further details on the 1996-97 Public Accounts, contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Telephone (780) 427-5364 (Edmonton)

Attachment 1 - Contents of Public Accounts Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4

Volume 1 contains the audited consolidated financial statements of the Province of Alberta and was released on June 26, 1997. The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of government entities including the General Revenue Fund, revolving funds, the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, and other regulated funds, Provincial agencies and Crown-controlled corporations.

Volume 2 contains the financial statements of the General Revenue Fund, details of General Revenue Fund, details of General Revenue Fund expenditure and revenue by department, audited financial statements of revolving funds and regulated funds, and reports that are required to be included with the Public Accounts in accordance with the Financial Administration Act and other statutes, or by direction of the Provincial Treasurer.

Volume 3 contains the audited financial statements of Provincial agencies, commercial enterprises and Crown-controlled corporations. Audited financial statements of subsidiaries of Provincial agencies are also included in this volume.

Volume 4 contains the financial statements of universities, university foundations, the Banff Centre for Continuing Education, public colleges, technical institutes, the Alberta Cancer Board, the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, the Provincial Mental Health Board, Regional Health Authorities and the Workers' Compensation Board.

Attachment 2 - Contents of Public Accounts Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4

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Click here for graphic - "General Revenue Fund Expenses by Function"

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Updated by - September 24, 1997