
December 1, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

Government releases three-year regulatory review plans

The Alberta government’s three-year regulatory review plans were released today by Gary Friedel, Chairman of the Regulatory Reform Task Force.

Regulatory review plans are developed annually for each provincial government department and outline upcoming regulation and policy initiatives. While each plan takes a great deal of work to develop, the initiative is undertaken to strengthen the government’s planning process and to continue efforts to be open and transparent with Albertans.

"Every ministry has put tremendous effort into this project," said Friedel. "It’s an initiative that we expect will continue to prove successful."

Each plan includes a report card on the department’s achievements and highlights what steps will be followed over the next three years. These plans are available for review. Albertans looking for more details can contact individual departments or Friedel directly.

For further information, please contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
Telephone (780) 427-5364 (Edmonton)
Gary Friedel, Chairman
Regulatory Reform Task Force
Telephone (780) 422-5374 (Edmonton)

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Updated by - December 1, 1997