
December 17, 1997
Edmonton, Alberta

Government responds to Albertans' request for second look at CPP options

The Alberta government has struck a Canada Pension Plan (CPP) committee to evaluate options and provide advice on issues currently being raised by Albertans. Dr. John Cowell, past President of the Workers Compensation Board, will Chair this committee. Other members include: John Hokanson, President and CEO, H&R Drilling Inc., Edmonton, and Dennis Erker, Partner, Fairley, Erker Estate Planning & Associates Ltd.

The federal Bill C-2 - An Act to Establish the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board and to Amend the Canadian Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act - is expected to become law in the new year.

"Alberta fought for a timely review of CPP," said Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day. "We want to have good information to bring to the table for the next review round - which starts immediately in 1998."

Alberta’s CPP committee will collect ideas before making suggestions on what is best for Albertans. "This panel is going to take a hard look at all the different proposals that are surfacing, from a variety of groups," said Day.

Alberta’s Canada Pension Plan Committee will use these Terms of Reference:

  1. identify options to adapt the CPP to the changing demographics of Alberta and Canada, including the viability of replacing the CPP retirement component with RRSP style accounts,
  2. review the merits of Alberta withdrawing from the CPP and establishing an "Alberta Pension Plan",
  3. examine options to spread the burden of paying for the CPP unfunded liability more fairly across generations, and
  4. look for new incentives, if any, Alberta can provide for its residents to save towards retirement.

Alberta passed the required Order in Council today relating to the CPP amendments agreed on by the federal government and seven other provinces last February. The February agreement was a necessary first step toward making the CPP sustainable for Albertans and all Canadians.

Approximately 280,000 Albertans now draw some benefits from the CPP. The Alberta CPP committee will make recommendations to the Provincial Treasurer early in the new year.

For more information, please contact:

Trish Filevich
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
Telephone (780) 427-5364
e-mail address:


Canadian Pension Plan Reform: A Chronology

Track One:

Bill C-2, An Act to Establish the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board and to Amend the Canadian Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act:

Track Two:

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Updated by - December 17, 1997