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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act and Regulations

 Purpose of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act
This Act provides the legal framework for the establishment of agricultural commodity commissions. It also provides the legal framework which ties into the National Farm Products legislation. The Act allows/requires each commodity organization to develop their own set of regulations to govern their organization. This leads to greater industry involvement and self reliance.
Act Regulations Alberta Barley Commission Alberta Beef Producers Alberta Beekeepers Alberta Canola Producers Alberta Chicken Producers Alberta Egg Producers Alberta Elk Producers Alberta Hatching Eggs Producers Alberta Milk Alberta Peace Region Forage Seed Growers Alberta Pork Producers Alberta Pulse Growers Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission Alberta Soft Wheat Producers Alberta Sugar Beet Growers Alberta Turkey Producers Alberta Vegetable Growers (Processing) Alberta Winter Wheat Producers Bison Producers of Alberta Potato Growers of Alberta
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Mike Pearson.
This document is maintained by Maryann Urbanowski.
This information published to the web on March 2, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 19, 2006.

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