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Marketing Council - Mission, Philosophy and Values

We are a Council committed to a collaborative environment that encourages industry to set aggressive outcomes and resolve arising issues.

We embrace a broad industry governance and leadership base.

We enable and empower organizations that want to focus their efforts toward growing their business, industry, and profitability along integrated producer and/or industry lines.

Mission ... to 2008
We facilitate the creation, development, and implementation of frameworks that enable producer organizations as well as agriculture-based industry chains to pursue prosperous, sustainable, and market responsive businesses.

Core values
To guide Council and its collective behaviors with clients and stakeholders, we believe people deserve respect. We believe in:
  • Honest, open, upfront, and on-going communication.
  • Being accountable.
  • Building trust, teamwork, partnerships, and enduring relationships.
  • Creativity, innovative leadership, and embracing change.
  • Education, training, and strategic management.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Len Fullen.
This document is maintained by Maryann Urbanowski.
This information published to the web on December 4, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 19, 2006.

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