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Government-Sector Relationship

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Government and Voluntary Sector Collaboration for the Benefit of Communities: Summary Report of the 1st Joint Champions Meeting
PDF (137 KB) | DOC (189 KB) | Unformatted text (133 KB)

The Journey Continues: The Second Report to Canadians on Implementing An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector
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The Voluntary Sector Initiative Process Evaluation - Final Evaluation Report
HTML | PDF (1480 KB)

Strengthening the Government-Sector Relationship: Report from the May 19th session, Ottawa.
HTML | PDF (66 KB)

Taking the Accord Forward: The First Report to Canadians on Implementing An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector
HTML | PDF (229 KB)

The Rubber and the Road, a Workbook for Implementing the Codes of Good Practice
HTML | PDF (160 KB)

An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector
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Joint Coordinating Committee Final Report
PDF (171 KB) | DOC (353 KB) | Unformatted text (39 KB)

Joint Accord Table Final Report
PDF (495 KB) | DOC (342 KB) | Unformatted text (86 KB)

Voluntary Sector - Federal Government Accord: Approaches to Ratification or Endorsement
by Karen Jackson
HTML | PDF (74 KB)

Building Relationships: Using Good Practices as a Catalyst
June 2002
HTML | PDF (134KB)

A Federal Government - Voluntary Sector Accord: Implications for Canada's Voluntary Sector
February 2001
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A Government Voluntary Sector Accord
by David A. Good
HTML | PDF (470 KB)


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08