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The Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI)

The Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI) was a five-year joint initiative between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector that was launched in June 2000. The overall goal of the initiative was to improve the quality of life in Canada. Specifically, the VSI focused on strengthening the relationship between the sector and the government and enhancing the capacity of the voluntary sector. The work of the VSI took place in two phases, as described below.

The VSI was based on the recognition that the voluntary sector is one of the three pillars of Canadian society, equal in importance to the public and private sectors (click here for more detail on the sector and its contributions to Canadian society).

VSI Phase I – June 2000 to October 2002

In its first two years, the VSI brought together equal numbers of representatives from the voluntary sector and the federal government to work at seven joint tables. Each table was co-chaired by a representative from the sector and one from government. The seven tables were:

VSI Phase II – November 2002 to March 2005

In the second phase the VSI followed up on and implemented the recommendations, new research, actions and achievements produced during phase one. (Click here for a detailed list of Products and Programs. The Government of Canada and the voluntary sector continued to work together to ensure that the findings of the VSI Phase I were fully and meaningfully implemented. Phase II resulted in the provision of new information and tools that are practical, realistic and accessible to all voluntary sector organizations, especially those that are small and medium-sized.


About the VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy | IM-IT | Regulations | Sector Identity
Working & Volunteering | Research | VSI Reports | Contact Us

VSI Goals | Management Structure | History of VSI | Reports
Last Updated: 2006-12-08