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Developing Human Resources in the Voluntary Sector

Developing Human Resources in the Voluntary Sector (HRVS) aims to strengthen the ability of voluntary sector organizations to attract, support and keep committed, skilled paid staff. HRVS is a partnership between Community Foundations of Canada and United Way of Canada - Centraide Canada and is funded by the Government of Canada through the Voluntary Sector Initiative.

The HRVS web site offers practical HR tools and information to help small and medium-sized voluntary organizations with human resource management and development. You will currently find information and tools on the following topics:

  • Human Resources policies and procedures
  • Legislation relating to employment
  • Staffing – including job descriptions, interviewing, hiring and orientation
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Managing people
  • Workplaces
  • … and more!

Sign up to receive the “HRVS e-Source” electronic newsletter for HR tips and updates on the tools and resources available on

For more information about Developing Human Resources in the Voluntary Sector (HRVS), contact the HRVS Team.

The Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee is working to contribute to a better understanding of challenges facing the sector and to develop ways of strengthening the sector’s capacity to attract, optimize and hold top talent. Developing Human Resources in the Voluntary Sector (HRVS) is one of the two projects on skills development and recruitment that the Advisory Committee is overseeing; the other is the National Learning Initiative.


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National Learning Initiative | Human Resources | Canada Volunteerism Initiative | Capacity Committee | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08