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IM/IT Advisory Group
IM/IT Joint Table
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Background Information

Industry Canada's Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) Program helped to strengthen the voluntary sector through technology. It was part of the Government of Canada's Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI), a joint initiative between the Government of Canada and Canada's voluntary sector. The VSI works to strengthen the voluntary sector's ability to serve Canadians while enhancing its relationship with the Government of Canada.

The Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) Joint Table was one of six VSI Joint Tables. It was created to provide recommendations on how to improve the technological capacity of Canada's voluntary sector. The Table released the report Strengthening Voluntary Sector Capacity Through Technology in February 2003.

The IM/IT Joint Table made five recommendations to improve the sector:

  • Create a funding agency campaign to encourage funding agencies to change their current policies and procedures to permit investments in IM/IT;
  • Foster access to IT planning, hardware and software, training and technical support to help voluntary sector organizations have ongoing access to IT planning and expert advice, current hardware and software appropriate to their needs, training to keep up with technology, and technical support at the lowest possible rates;
  • Build a voluntary sector portal, a Web site containing voluntary sector-related information and providing a meeting place for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of best practices;
  • Create a funding exchange, a web-based interactive funding service to connect funding agencies with organizations requiring funding. This will help decrease the amount of resources used to provide and acquire funding; and,
  • Launch a technology awareness campaign, to raise awareness among voluntary sector boards and managers regarding the benefits of technology and to provide information on how organizations can use IT effectively.

Industry Canada's Information Management/ Information Technology Secretariat was responsible for managing the implementation of the IM/IT Joint Table report. The IM/ IT Secretariat worked closely with an advisory group, comprised of representatives from the voluntary sector and the federal government, in implementing the IM/IT strategy.

Announcements, Press Releases and Fact Sheets provide additional information on the activities undertaken by the IM/IT secretariat.


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08