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Technology Grantmaking Toolkit: Practical tools for technology grantmaking in Canada's voluntary sector
HTML | PDF (712 KB)

Technology Grantmaking - A Business Case for Strategic Thinking
MS Powerpoint (1,645 KB)| PDF (584 KB)
* Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint  presentation. To view the file online simply click on the powerpoint link. To download the file, right click on the PowerPoint link and select Save Target As...This will allow you to Save the PowerPoint file to your computer. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

Not-for-profits and Technology - A Business Case for Strategic Thinking
MS Powerpoint (1,622 Kb)| PDF (541 KB)
* Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint  presentation. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

Plug and Play Slides (for business cases)
MS Powerpoint (706 KB)| PDF (195 KB)
* Notes for the presentation slides are included in the downloaded PowerPoint  presentation. Choose "Notes Page" from the "View" pull-down menu in PowerPoint once you have downloaded the file.

Thinking Beyond the Box: Thinking strategically about
technology grantmaking in Canada’s voluntary sector

HTML | PDF (387 KB)

Information Management and Information Technology Joint Table
Final Report

PDF (159 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 115 KB) | TXT (Microsoft Word - 25 KB)

Strengthening Voluntary Sector Capacity Through Technology
HTML | PDF (857 KB)

Technology Needs of the Canadian Voluntary Sector - Final Report
This report was commissioned by the IM/IT Joint Table of the Voluntary Sector Initiative Secretariat, and was prepared by Dr. Gillian Kerr. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada or of the voluntary sector.
Highlights | PDF (614 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 341 KB)

  • Supporting Document 1 - Detailed Methodology Literature Scan and Examples of Websites
    PDF (461 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 270 KB)
  • Supporting Document 2 - Technology Needs Analysis Survey
    PDF (400 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 158 KB)
  • Supporting Document 3 - All Comments from Interviews and Survey
    PDF (375 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 209 KB)
Information Management/Information Technology and the Voluntary Sector - Environmental Scan
PDF (321KB)

The Voluntary Sector: A Productive Force in the New Economy
PDF ( 235KB)


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08