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John's Hopkins Comparative Study
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Canadian Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective

Begun in 1990, the Johns Hopkins Comparative Non-profit Sector Project was the first systematic effort to analyze the size, scope, structure, financing and roles of the non-profit sector in countries around the world. The project aims to increase practical and theoretical knowledge about the non profit and voluntary sector and to help provide a basis for informed public and private action.

The objectives of the project are to:

  • document the size, scope, structure, financing and role of the sector across a number of countries
  • explain why the sector varies in size and character from one country to another
  • identify factors that seem to encourage or retard its development
  • evaluate the impact of the contributions of the sector
  • publicize and increase public awareness of the sector, and
  • build local capacity to carry on this work into the future.

Until 2002, however, Canada had not participated in this exercise, making it difficult to compare its sector with those of other countries. To address this, the Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee, through its Research Steering Committee (RSC), funded the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP - now Imagine Canada) in Summer 2002 to participate in the project as Canada's Local Associate. Using the common framework, set of definitions, information-gathering strategies and comparative empirical approach developed for the Johns Hopkins Comparative Non-profit Sector Project, CCP conducted the required research on key aspects of the sector. CCP has released the Canadian findings from the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project in their recent report The Canadian Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective.

The Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee supported a range of research initiatives on the voluntary sector. The Canadian Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective is one of three research and information sharing projects which focus on the size, scope, and contributions of the voluntary sector to Canadian society. The two other projects are the National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating and the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations.

For further information on the Johns Hopkins project, please go to


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08
View the report "The Canadian Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective."