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Background Information

The Capacity Joint Table
The Capacity Joint Table (CJT) was established to improve understanding of the challenges facing the sector and to develop ways of strengthening the sector’s ability to meet the demands placed on it by Canadian society. The Table’s first meeting was held in October 2000; members represented federal government departments and voluntary organizations.

The Policy Internships and Fellowships (PIAF) Committee
A committee of government and voluntary sector members was struck to provide overall co-ordination for the PIAF Pilot Project, including advice on the development, implementation, and evaluation of the project.

The Advocacy Working Group
The Advocacy Working Group (AWG) was a voluntary sector-only working group. The AWG worked to ensure that advocacy is fully recognized and supported, within the voluntary sector and outside of it. Its focus was to create the legal, financial and regulatory framework necessary to support the advocacy work of the voluntary sector.

About the VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy | IM-IT | Regulations | Sector Identity
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Policy Code | Accord | Policy Internships | Participation in Public Policy | Policy Development Projects | Capacity Committee | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08