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The Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee Final Report
PDF (310 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 165 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 44 KB)

Trends in Collaboration: Lessons Learned from Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development (SIDPD) and Beyond
HTML | PDF (148 KB)

Moving Policy Forward through Collaborative Practice: workshop report
HTML | PDF (59 KB)

An Evaluation of the Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development (SIDPD): Final Report
HTML | PDF (662 KB)

Policy Internships and Fellowships: Bridging the Policy Dialogue Between Voluntary Organizations and the Federal Government, June 2004
PDF (328 KB) | Text-only, unformatted (195 KB)

Participating in Federal Public Policy: A Guide for the Voluntary Sector
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Policy Internships and Fellowships: Bridging the Policy Dialogue Between Voluntary Organizations and the Federal Government, June 2003
HTML | PDF (139 KB)

Capacity Joint Table Final Report
PDF (355 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 260 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 67 KB)

Code of Good Practice on Policy Dialogue
HTML | PDF (135 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 153 KB)

Policy Grass Roots: Consultant’s Report on Eleven VSI Policy Workshops Held in All Provinces January to March 2002
PDF (50 KB)

Compendium of Exchanges and Fellowship Programs in preparation for the PIAF Roundtable Consultation
PDF (224 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 225 KB)

Report To Participants Winter 2002 Consultations on Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens' Voices
This research paper was commissioned by the voluntary-sector-only Working Group on Advocacy. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada or the voluntary sector.
HTML | PDF (18 KB)

Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens Voices
by Laurie Rektor
This research paper was commissioned by the voluntary-sector-only Working Group on Advocacy. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada or the voluntary sector.
HTML | PDF (36 KB)

Regulation of Advocacy in the Voluntary Sector: Current Challenges and Some Responses
By Betsy A. Harvie
This research paper was commissioned by the voluntary-sector-only Working Group on Advocacy. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada or the voluntary sector.
HTML | PDF (162 KB)

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Last Updated: 2006-12-08