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The Joint Regulatory Table
The Joint Regulatory Table was a working group that was convened in November 2000 under the Voluntary Sector Initiative to study and make recommendations for improving the legislative and regulatory environment in which the voluntary sector operates. Table members were drawn in equal numbers from the government and voluntary sector.

Not-For-Profit Law and Director's Liability Working Group
Industry Canada established an Experts Group on Nonprofit Law and Directors’ Liability. The Experts Group was composed of 10 individuals from across Canada who were well connected with the nonprofit sector.

The Advocacy Working Group
The Advocacy Working Group (AWG) was a voluntary sector-only working group. The AWG worked to ensure that advocacy is fully recognized and supported, within the voluntary sector and outside of it. Its focus was to create the legal, financial and regulatory framework necessary to support the advocacy work of the voluntary sector.

About the VSI | Govt.-Sector Relationship | Funding | Policy | IM-IT | Regulations | Sector Identity
Working & Volunteering | Research | VSI Reports | Contact Us

Regulatory Reform | Revised T3010 | Review of Corporations Act | Primer for Directors | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08