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Revised Registered Charity Information Return (T3010)

Federally registered charities are regulated by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) because they are exempt from income tax and are able to provide tax receipts to donors so that they may obtain tax relief. To demonstrate compliance with federal tax laws, registered charities must file a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010) with the CCRA each year.

As a result of consultations with registered charities and voluntary-sector stakeholders, the CCRA undertook a major redesign effort to make the annual return less difficult for charities to complete. Charities had indicated that they found the form to be lengthy and complex. The CCRA worked in close co-operation with the Joint Regulatory Table (JRT) in developing a new, simplified reporting form. The JRT is part of the Voluntary Sector Initiative, which is a co-operative initiative of the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada.

As a result, a new Registered Charity Information Return (called the T3010A) has been introduced. A sample of the return is available on the CCRA Web site at


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08