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Background: Awareness Joint Table (AJT)

According to the report Working Together, which formed the basis for the VSI, “Several key groups of Canadians…lack a thorough understanding of the sector’s nature, needs and challenges, and the opportunities the sector affords. This lack of understanding is a barrier to enhanced support of and involvement in the voluntary sector.”

In keeping with the recommendations of Working Together, the Awareness Joint Table (AJT) was created to examine how to generate awareness of, ongoing support for, and involvement in a sector that is critical to civil society. Beginning in the fall of 2000, the AJT conducted research, developed and considered various awareness strategies, and consulted extensively with volunteers and voluntary organizations across the country.

In fall 2002, the AJT proposed an approach for a Canada-wide Voluntary Sector Awareness Initiative, and prepared a final report on its activities since September 2000. The Joint Table disbanded in September 2002, and an advisory committee was appointed to oversee the implementation of the Awareness Initiative until 2005.


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08