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Background Information

The Joint Accord Table
Once the Joint Accord Table had completed the Accord between the Federal Governement and the Voluntary Sector, it addressed the second phase of its mandate - developing an implementation plan to give effect to the terms of the Accord. A code of good practice on funding was developed as one of the tools for enhancing practices related to the funding aspect of the Government-voluntary sector relationship. The code identifies the rationale for a Code on funding, the scope and application of the Code and the principles underlying it. As well, the Code identifies the practices that should be followed by the sectors - both individually and jointly - to enhance the funding relationship.

The Capacity Joint Table
The Capacity Joint Table (CJT) was established to improve understanding of the challenges facing the sector and to develop ways of strengthening the sector’s ability to meet the demands placed on it by Canadian society. Three projects which were commissioned by the Working Group on Financing and funded by the Capacity Joint Table:

  • Sources and Mechanisms of Funding and Their Impact on Sustainability of Voluntary Organizations
  • Resources for Accountability and Financial Management in the Voluntary Sector
  • Inventory of Effective Practices in Financing and Resourcing of Voluntary Organizations in Canada

Working Group on Financing
The Working Group on Financing was one of two groups in the VSI whose membership was comprised solely of voluntary sector representatives. It worked within the voluntary sector to explore issues and concerns of unique interest to the sector and to independently present perspectives on federal funding to Ministers and to the sector; partnering with Capacity Joint Table to examine financial capacity issues; and served as a reference group to the Treasury Board Secretariat Federal Funding Study.



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Funding Code | Accord | Financial Resources | Effective Practices | Capacity Committee | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08