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Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee

Under Phase I of the Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI), The Capacity Joint Table (CJT), for which Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) is the lead department, was tasked with looking at three main areas of capacity related to the voluntary sector:

  • Skills Development and Recruitment (human resources);
  • Research and Information Sharing; and
  • Policy capacity.
The Table also supported a number of activities of the sector-only Working Group on Financing.

Many of the resources from the Table are now available.

The Table’s mandate ended in October 2002 and a smaller Advisory Committee was struck by the Capacity Joint Table. The Advisory Committee’s mandate is to provide ongoing coordination and leadership to the CJT work until the end of the VSI in 2005. This includes ensuring that the CJT projects are linked to each other and to broader VSI activities.

The Capacity Joint Table Secretariat in Human Resources Development Canada supports the work of the Advisory Committee. The Secretariat is implementing a strategy to disseminate knowledge in a consolidated way about CJT products.


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Last Updated: 2006-12-08