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The Capacity Joint Table Advisory Committee Final Report
PDF (310 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 165 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 44 KB)

Learning and Leading: Transforming the Voluntary Sector through Learning and Leading
PDF (1,440 KB) | DOC (701 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 114 KB)

Pan-Canadian Pilot Project Final Report
HTML | PDF (310KB)

Strengthening the Capacity Of Executive Directors
PDF (100 KB) | DOC (unformatted text - 83 KB)

Leadership in the Voluntary Sector: Human Resources Tools
PDF (835 KB) | DOC (unformatted text - 277 KB)

Voluntary Sector Leadership - Competencies, Examples, Current Challenges, Complexities and Learning Outcomes: Discussion Document
(765 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 3,132 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 143 KB)

What do Voluntary Sector Leaders Do?
PDF (505 KB)

National Learning Initiative: A National Skills and Learning Framework for the Voluntary Sector (brochure)
PDF (92 KB)

Developing Human Resources in the Voluntary Sector

Capacity Joint Table Final Report
PDF (355 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 260 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 67 KB)

International Year of Volunteers Coordinating Group/Steering Committee Final Report
PDF (413 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 186 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 56 KB)

National Volunteerism Initiative Joint Table Final Report
PDF (191 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 222 KB) | TXT (unformatted text - 37 KB)

Canada Volunteerism Initiative - The Report of the National Volunteerism Initiative Joint Table
| PDF (933 KB) | DOC, unformatted (Microsoft Word - 170 KB)

  • Executive Summary
    PDF (251 KB) | DOC, unformatted (Microsoft Word - 20 KB)
  • Press Release
  • Background on the CVI
  • Update Special Edition
    PDF (35KB)
  • Download the CVI Information Kit
    ZIP (1.16MB)
Human Resources Think Tank Report

Backgrounder on Trends in the Changing Workforce and Workplace
DOC (Microsoft Word - 704 KB) | PDF (292 - KB)

Backgrounder on the Literature on (Paid) Human Resources in the Canadian Voluntary Sector
DOC (Microsoft Word - 818 KB) | PDF (447 - KB)

Summary Report of Consultations on Proposals for the NVI
HTML | PDF (425KB)

NVI Consultation Document
PDF (469 KB) | DOC, unformatted (Microsoft Word - 50 KB)

Environmental Scan on Volunteering in Canada
HTML | PDF (275 KB) | DOC (Microsoft Word - 319 KB)


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National Learning Initiative | Human Resources | Canada Volunteerism Initiative | Capacity Committee | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08