Implementing the Millennium Development Goals: Our Human Rights Obligation

Conference Report, Ottawa, 8–9 June, 2005

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© International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 2005.

This report may be freely excerpted, provided credit is given to Rights & Democracy.

Project Coordinator: Razmik Panossian, Director, Policy, Programmes & Planning, Rights & Democracy.

Writing: Infolink: The Conference Publishers.

Production : Anyle Coté, Special Events and Publications, Rights & Democracy




Day One

Welcoming Remarks

Jean-Louis Roy, President, Rights & Democracy

Opening Address

Stephen Lewis, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for HIV/AIDS in Africa

Plenary Session 1 — Human Rights and the MDGs: An International Perspective

Chair: Huguette Labelle, Chancellor, University of Ottawa
Carol Welch, Coordinator, UN Millennium Campaign
Patrick van Weerelt, Senior Human Rights Advisor, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Bertrand Ramcharan, Former UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights
Questions and Discussion

Luncheon Address

Chairperson: Razmik Panossian, Director of Policy, Programmes and Planning, Rights & Democracy
Walter Reid, Director, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Questions and Discussion

Roundtable 1 — National Case Studies: Successes and Challenges

Chairperson: Lydia Hwitsum, Board of Directors, Rights & Democracy
China: Sharon Hom, Executive Director, Human Rights in China
Brazil: Luis Fernandes de Lara Resende, IPEA
Bangladesh: Kamal Hossain, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, Bangladesh
Bolivia: Beatriz Muriel, Senior Economist, Grupo Integral
Bolivia: Carlos Antonio Carrasco, Ambassador of Bolivia to Canada
Mali: Tiébilé Dramé, former Foreign Affairs Minister, Mali
Mali: Mamadou Bandiougou Diawara, Ambassador of Mali to Canada
Questions and Discussion

Closing comments
Claire L’Heureux-Dubé, former Canadian Supreme Court judge
Gerry Barr, President and CEO of the Canadian Council for International Co-operation


Day Two

Keynote Address

Chairperson: Jean-Louis Roy, President, Rights & Democracy
Ablassé Ouedraogo, Senior Advisor to the President of the African Development Bank


Plenary Session 2 — Alternatives for International Cooperation

Chairperson: Stephen Baranyi, Principle Researcher, Conflict Resolution, North-South Institute
Arjun Sengupta, UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Extreme Poverty
Sigrun Skogly, Senior Lecturer in Law, Lancaster University, UK
Asbjorn Lovbraek, Senior Advisor, Evaluation Department, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
David Moloney, Vice-President, Policy Branch, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Questions and Discussion

Roundtable 2 - Mobilizing Canadians: A Cross Sector Perspective on Achieving the MDGs

Chairs: Wayne McKay, Chairperson of the Board, Rights & Democracy
Razmik Panossian, Director of Policy, Programmes and Planning, Rights & Democracy


Luncheon: Mobilizing Political Parties

Aileen Carroll, Minister of International Cooperation
Helena Guergis, Critic for International Cooperation, Conservative Party
Gilles Duceppe, Leader of the Bloc Québécois
Jack Layton, Leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP)
Jim Harris, Leader of the Green Party

Mobilizing the Private Sector

Adine Mees, President & CEO, Canadian Business for Social Responsibility
Kaz Flinn, Vice President, Government Affairs and CSR, Scotiabank
Ed Broadbent, MP, NDP; Former President of Rights & Democracy
Questions and Discussion

Mobilizing Civil Society

Mary Corkery, Executive Director, KAIROS
Roy Culpeper, President, North-South Institute
Anna Nitoslawska, International Programme Administrator, Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
Questions and Discussion


Jean-Louis Roy, President, Rights & Democracy
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