Volume 14, Number 2
November - December 2004

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President's introduction

Jean Louis Roy

“NEVER AGAIN,” we said after the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Yet since then we have seen more than 4 million die in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, mass graves in the Ivory Coast, terror in Darfur… Countless dead, and the survivors.

The 2004 John Humphrey Freedom Award has been awarded to Godeliève Mukasarasi, a survivor of Rwanda’s genocide — and what a survivor she is.

Along with the women of TABA, she chose to break the silence, to tell the world and the International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda (ICTR) of the sexual violence, rape and the spread of HIV/AIDS during the Genocide.

On Oct. 5, 1998, the ICTR made legal history by recognizing rape as an act of genocide and as an act of torture. This recognition may not undo the effects of genocidal madness, but it will serve to limit the impunity that exacerbates them.

Jean-Louis Roy
President, Rights & Democracy

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