Libert@s online: Issue 2
November 2001

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War is Not the Answer

As civilian casualties mount in Afghanistan and the war on terrorism escalates dangerously throughout the region, Rights & Democracy has noted that there are still no serious moves to strengthen mechanisms of international justice that could try and convict the perpetrators of the September 11 terrorist attacks. With a number of other concerned Canadian organizations and individuals, Rights & Democracy has sponsored the publication of an advertisement (text below) in Canadian newspapers on November 17 to coincide with the organization of peace marches throughout the country organized by the Canadian Alliance for Peace.

We, the undersigned, mourn the tragic loss of life resulting from the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. We condemn the attacks and want the perpetrators brought to justice. We believe the military response to terrorism will not solve the problem. It may even make it worse. It could provoke further terrorist attacks. It will certainly kill more innocent people and create more refugees. Even if the leaders are caught, the terrorist networks may remain in place.

We want to live in a world committed to:

  • alleviating poverty
  • eradicating racism
  • upholding individual and collective rights
  • pursuing justice through law

On this November 17, 2001, designated by the September Eleventh Peace Coalition as a Day for Global Peace and Justice, we ask the Government of Canada to press for a new approach to the September 11 tragedies. These should not be defined as acts of war. They are terrorist acts and crimes against humanity. They should be dealt with through the courts. If necessary, a special international tribunal should be established.

We call on the Government of Canada to provide leadership in promoting peace by:

  • withdrawing Canada's armed forces from the US-led military campaign;
  • ratifying and fully implementing all twelve United Nations conventions on terrorism;
  • cooperating with other countries in prosecuting alleged terrorists to the full extent of domestic and international law.
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